Articles in Brain Health

The Right Way to Reframe the Glycemic Index for Gut and Brain Health - An Interview With JJ Virgin

The Right Way to Reframe the Glycemic Index for Gut and Brain Health - An Interview With JJ Virgin

In an eye-opening discussion we tackle false dogmatic nutrition beliefs that are impacting both our microbiome and cognitive function. 

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Inspirational Senior Living Facility Offers Hope for Dementia

Inspirational Senior Living Facility Offers Hope for Dementia

Dementia is one of the top causes of dependency and mental impairment in our elderly population. Dr. Heather Sandison was looking for residential care facilities where they were serving organic food and incorporating Dr. Bredesen’s insights for dementia patients, but couldn't find one. As a result, she founded one of the first residential care facilities where dementia patients can immerse themselves in the lifestyle described by Dr. Bredesen in his book “The End of Alzheimer’s”. Read on for a Q&A on the MARAMA experience. 

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Psychobiotics: Bacteria to Brighten your Mood

Psychobiotics: Bacteria to Brighten your Mood

Just about every civilization throughout history has practiced some form of neurohacking - deliberately upgrading their physiologies to positively affect their mind and psyche. The consumption of probiotic rich and fermented foods, for example, goes back over 10,000 years.

Today, the emerging field of human microbiome research has indicated that gut microbiota may play an important role in influencing brain development, behavior, and mood in humans.

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7 Easy (And Free!) Ways to Stimulate Your Vagus Nerve

7 Easy (And Free!) Ways to Stimulate Your Vagus Nerve

A healthy vagal tone has become a heightened area of research within the scientific community. Thankfully, there are easy to implement, highly effective, science-backed ways to activate the power of your parasympathetic nervous system by stimulating your vagus nerve.

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Qualia Nootropics: The Complex Intelligence Behind Their Formulation

Qualia Nootropics: The Complex Intelligence Behind Their Formulation

Qualia nootropics were designed to promote a sustained improvement across the whole pallet of objective capacities and subjective states that contribute to optimized, creative, productive flow states. This goal required factoring many creative-productive capacities simultaneously. 

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5 Science-Backed Ways To Hack Your Health

5 Science-Backed Ways To Hack Your Health

Join us as we explore interval workouts for longevity, how aromatherapy impacts food cravings, the link between mitochondrial fitness and mental health, and why your brain is begging for a little downtime in this edition of Neurohacking Advancements. 

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QUALIA NOOTROPIC ENERGY: Designing for Peak Mental and Physical Performance

QUALIA NOOTROPIC ENERGY: Designing for Peak Mental and Physical Performance

Neurohacker Collective developed Qualia Nootropic Energy Shot with the goal of creating a liquid nootropic supplement capable of producing a fast, noticeable, and durable enhancement of mental and physical energy to support peak performance. Qualia Nootropic Energy Shot was designed to boost performance in high-demand situations that require extra mental effort and energy, be it at work, school, a social gathering, or even an athletic event. 

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QUALIA MIND ESSENTIALS: The Building of a Comprehensive Cognitive Support Stack

QUALIA MIND ESSENTIALS: The Building of a Comprehensive Cognitive Support Stack

Qualia Mind Essentials was designed by taking into account key neural pathways and processes. It contains nootropic compounds, neuro vitamins, amino acids, choline donors, and herbal adaptogens. Each ingredient has stand-alone actions; they can also have additive or synergistic actions when combined, complementing each other in support of a particular cognitive pathway or process.

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The Surprising Link Between Stress Resistance and Mental Energy

The Surprising Link Between Stress Resistance and Mental Energy

Left unchecked, stress can be mentally exhausting, stealing energy away from important cognitive tasks and hindering our ability to perform strenuous mental work. With that understanding in mind, it’s not surprising that the neurohacking community is very keen to understand how to better support stress resilience in order to free up more mental energy.

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The Formulator's View of the Qualia Resilience Ingredients

The Formulator's View of the Qualia Resilience Ingredients

We share some of the reasons why we included each ingredient and how individually they contribute to the overall stress support found in Qualia Resilience.

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Box Breathing: A Breathing Technique to Focus the Mind

Box Breathing: A Breathing Technique to Focus the Mind

Learning to control the breath is one of the most powerful (and free!) neurohacks we have for improving concentration, managing stress, developing optimal health, and guiding our spiritual advancement.

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Qualia Mind: The Building of a Nootropic Stack

Qualia Mind: The Building of a Nootropic Stack

This article goes into great detail about the design and formulation process of our product Qualia Mind which was designed to promote a sustained improvement across the whole pallet of objective capacities and subjective states that contribute to optimized, creative, productive flow states. In this article, we want to share how individual ingredients stack together toward supporting those goals.

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Stay Motivated to Workout: Understanding Mental Fatigue

Stay Motivated to Workout: Understanding Mental Fatigue

Mental fatigue lies at the core of motivating yourself to hit the gym and to give the extra push in your athletic performance. In Workout Motivation: The Science of the Brain's Role in Exercise we broadly introduced the importance of our mind for exercise performance. The interconnectedness between the brain and body means many markers of physical performance are modulated by our mind.

Here we focus on mental fatigue, introduce you to some of the fatigue models (how scientists believe the brain is operating), explain willpower and self-control and how they interact with workout motivation, and provide actionable tools to help you follow through on a workout program.

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Qualia Vision: The Building of a Comprehensive Eye Support Stack

Qualia Vision: The Building of a Comprehensive Eye Support Stack

Being fully aware of the hurdles of screen time—we spend as much time looking at screens as anyone else—we wanted to create a product that would support and protect the health, resistance, and resilience of the visual system. We designed Qualia Vision to help our eyes cope with the challenges of the digital age hose a set of ingredients that could support visual health and performance.

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The Vagus Nerve: What It Is and How to Stimulate It for Increased Stress Resilience

The Vagus Nerve: What It Is and How to Stimulate It for Increased Stress Resilience

It's no wonder the Vagus nerve has been called the ‘great wandering protector’ of the body. Learn why healthy vagal tone is a key health metric and science-backed ways to stimulate the vagus nerve for increased stress resilience.

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Brain Fog Taking Over Your Life? 5 Reasons Why According to a Neuroscientist

Brain Fog Taking Over Your Life? 5 Reasons Why According to a Neuroscientist

Brain fog is not a medical condition; it’s a clue that suggests there may be something interfering with your mental performance. Here are five factors that contribute to brain fog, according to a neuroscientist.

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What is Neuroplasticity?—Mechanisms of Functional and Structural Brain Plasticity

What is Neuroplasticity?—Mechanisms of Functional and Structural Brain Plasticity

Deep dive into the main mechanisms of functional and structural brain plasticity.

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The Science Behind Using ulRFE Technology to Improve Focused Attention and Make You More Productive

The Science Behind Using ulRFE Technology to Improve Focused Attention and Make You More Productive

Learn the science behind using ulRFE magnetic signals to improve focus and attention to make you more productive.

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Do Brain Supplements Work?

Do Brain Supplements Work?

Do brain supplements actually work? What do studies show? Learn the truth about nootropics and how they can enhance your everyday life.

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Work at a Desk? Study Shows Just 1 Minute of Squats Beats Brain Fatigue

Work at a Desk? Study Shows Just 1 Minute of Squats Beats Brain Fatigue

Stuck at a desk all day? Studies show just one minute of squatting exercises may help beat brain fatigue and boost mental energy.

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Can Your Eyesight Affect Your Brain? An Exploration of the Visual System And Cognitive Health

Can Your Eyesight Affect Your Brain? An Exploration of the Visual System And Cognitive Health

A very significant part of the human brain is involved with analyzing the visual world. Learn how our eyesight affects the brain.

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How Psychobiotics Support the Gut-Brain Connection

How Psychobiotics Support the Gut-Brain Connection

Psychobiotics are probiotics and prebiotics for the brain. But can psychobiotics really influence cognition, stress responses, mood, and emotional regulation? Read to learn more. 

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What is Glutamate?

What is Glutamate?

What is glutamate? Learn more about the most abundant neurotransmitter and how it affects our brains. 

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Psychobiotics & the Gut-Brain Connection

Psychobiotics & the Gut-Brain Connection

We may not immediately think of influencing the microbes in the gut when looking to improve brain function and mental health, but we should.

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Magnesium For Brain Health: Why Magnesium is Crucial

Magnesium For Brain Health: Why Magnesium is Crucial

New studies show magnesium supplementation can help maintain healthy brain volume and cognition. Here's what you need to know. 

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