Collective Insights Blog by Sara Adães, Ph.D.

Akkermansia For Gut Health

Akkermansia For Gut Health

Akkermansia is a next generation probiotic and turning heads for its studied support of human health, the gut microbiota, and metabolism. Learn more about this powerful keystone species.

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How to Slow Aging

How to Slow Aging

Can aging really be slowed or is that simply line being sold to health optimizers? Science doesn't lie. Here's what you need to know.

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Do Brain Supplements Work?

Do Brain Supplements Work?

Do brain supplements actually work? What do studies show? Learn the truth about nootropics and how they can enhance your everyday life.

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Longevity Ingredient Spotlight: Fisetin Benefits

Longevity Ingredient Spotlight: Fisetin Benefits

Explore the science-backed benefits of the senolytic fisetin and how to use it to boost longevity.

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Zombie Cells: Everything You Need To Know

Zombie Cells: Everything You Need To Know

What exactly are "zombie" cells? Does fasting get rid of zombie cells? Here's everything you need to know about removing senescent cells from the body for optimal health.

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Magnesium For Brain Health: Why Magnesium is Crucial

Magnesium For Brain Health: Why Magnesium is Crucial

New studies show magnesium supplementation can help maintain healthy brain volume and cognition. Here's what you need to know. 

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The Vagus Nerve: What It Is and How to Stimulate It for Increased Stress Resilience

The Vagus Nerve: What It Is and How to Stimulate It for Increased Stress Resilience

It's no wonder the Vagus nerve has been called the ‘great wandering protector’ of the body. Learn why healthy vagal tone is a key health metric and science-backed ways to stimulate the vagus nerve for increased stress resilience.

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Can Your Eyesight Affect Your Brain? An Exploration of the Visual System And Cognitive Health

Can Your Eyesight Affect Your Brain? An Exploration of the Visual System And Cognitive Health

A very significant part of the human brain is involved with analyzing the visual world. Learn how our eyesight affects the brain.

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What is Vision?

What is Vision?

Vision is the process through which light stimuli received through the eyes are transformed into a mental image by the brain. It is our sense of sight. This process is accomplished by the visual system, the sensory system that enables vision, which includes the eyes—the sensory organ for vision—and the neuronal visual pathways of the brain, from the retinas to the cerebral cortex.

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What is Neurogenesis? Definition, Mechanisms, and its Role in Brain Plasticity

What is Neurogenesis? Definition, Mechanisms, and its Role in Brain Plasticity

Neuroplasticity, the nervous system's adaptive capabilities to change itself over a lifetime, is a fascinating subject. This and many other aspects of cognitive function inspired our science team formulate Qualia Mind, and provide the most broad support for human brain health in a once-a-day vegan formula. The science behind neuroplasticity, and the role environment and behavior plays in it, warrant a closer look, so we can support the biochemical processes that drive neurogenesis.

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