Collective Insights Blog

What Is Oxidative Phosphorylation?

What Is Oxidative Phosphorylation?

Oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) is the major pathway of ATP production. ATP is the energy-rich molecule that powers cellular processes that require energy input. OXPHOS occurs in mitochondria and uses energy extracted in the metabolism of cellular fuels, particularly in glycolysis, fatty acid oxidation, and the citric acid cycle, to power the production of ATP.

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Biohacking for Longevity: Interview with Dave Asprey

Biohacking for Longevity: Interview with Dave Asprey

We invited the biohacking pioneer, Dave Asprey, to talk about the science backed practices to age better and live longer. He shares with us his favorite biohacks to improve your gut bacteria, your heart rate variability, your mitochondrial function and more. There is not just 1 thing that causes aging, but 7 functions that contribute to the aging process.

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The Science of Longevity: An Interview with Valter Longo, Ph.D.

The Science of Longevity: An Interview with Valter Longo, Ph.D.

There is so much advice on longevity and aging that it can be hard to sort through all of the information. In this podcast transcript we dive into the science-backed approaches for living a longer and healthier life. Valter Longo, Ph.D., has thirty years of experience in longevity and healthy eating, and is one of the world’s experts in the field.

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 How is NAD+ Made? Preiss-Handler Pathway

How is NAD+ Made? Preiss-Handler Pathway

In 1958, Jack Preiss and Philip Handler published a scientific paper describing how NAD+ was made from niacin in three steps.(1) This pathway was later named the Preiss-Handler pathway after the co-discoverers. It describes the enzyme steps needed to convert niacin into the NAD+ molecule.

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French Red Grapes Extract: Sources and Benefits

French Red Grapes Extract: Sources and Benefits

BioVin® is a premium quality grape extract made from the juice, seeds, and skins of red grapes grown in France. It's rich in both trans-resveratrol and grape polyphenols.

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How is NAD+ Made? Salvage Pathway

How is NAD+ Made? Salvage Pathway

The salvage pathway is used to produce NAD+ from nicotinamide molecules. Whether the source of the nicotinamide is vitamin B3 (as niacinamide), newer nicotinamides (e.g., nicotinamide riboside [NR], nicotinamide mononucleotide [NMN]), or molecules in food that get broken down during digestion into nicotinamide, the salvage pathway turns them into NAD+ in our tissues.

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How is NAD+ Made? De Novo Synthesis

How is NAD+ Made? De Novo Synthesis

Most organisms have several alternatives for producing the NAD+ molecule. In humans, there are three major NAD+ biosynthesis pathways: the De Novo Pathway, starting from the essential amino acid L-tryptophan; the Preiss-Handler pathway, using niacin (nicotinic acid); and the Salvage Pathway from niacinamide (nicotinamide). In this article, we’ll be covering the De Novo Pathway.

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Mitochondria: Exploring 5 Lifestyle Habits to Benefit Cell Health

Mitochondria: Exploring 5 Lifestyle Habits to Benefit Cell Health

Any way we can boost mitochondria helps us to increase the longevity of our cells and support energy production. In this article, we explore lifestyle habits that improve mitochondrial health and support healthy aging.

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Mitochondria Health: An Exploration of Temperature and Light Therapy

Mitochondria Health: An Exploration of Temperature and Light Therapy

Any way we can boost mitochondria helps us to increase the longevity of our cells and support energy production. Here we explore temperature and light therapy to improve mitochondrial health and support healthy aging.

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NAD and NAD Supplement Introduction

NAD and NAD Supplement Introduction

In this article we’ll be covering the “big picture” when it comes to NAD. We’ll be doing a deeper dive on specific topics we introduce in this article in subsequent articles in this series. As you go through this series of articles please keep in mind that, like other molecules in the body, NAD+ is a means to an end. We don’t care about NAD+ on its own; we care about it because of what it allows cells to do. 

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Anti-Aging Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

Anti-Aging Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

In Silicon Valley, the hub of anti-aging research and funding, countless entrepreneurs and high-profile celebrities use fasting to combat the effects of aging. In Anti-Aging Benefits of Fasting, we will explore the mechanisms that create these fasting benefits. This part is more scientific than the others, but we emphasize only crucial components in an easily digestible format.

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