Collective Insights Blog

How the Gut Microbiome is Leading the Future of Disease Prevention and Longevity - An Interview With Dr. Emmanuel Hanon

How the Gut Microbiome is Leading the Future of Disease Prevention and Longevity - An Interview With Dr. Emmanuel Hanon

Naveen Jain, Founder of Viome, debuts as our guest host, along with fellow colleague Dr. Hanon, taking us on a thrilling discussion of how gut microbiome research is leading the future of both disease prevention and longevity.

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Neurohacker’s Reading List: Books Our Team Has Read (and Loved!)

Neurohacker’s Reading List: Books Our Team Has Read (and Loved!)

Boost your brain power by picking a book from our ever growing list of reads we have read and loved. 

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6 Science-Backed Foods For Brain Fog

6 Science-Backed Foods For Brain Fog

Many factors can contribute to brain fog, such as underlying illness, oxidative stress, lack of sleep, hormonal issues, dehydration, and perhaps the most unexpected and underlying cause of brain fog: our diet.

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Why The World Needs Neurohacking Now More Than Ever

Why The World Needs Neurohacking Now More Than Ever

We humans are in a bit of an ‘emergence through emergency’ scenario. If we want to stay in the game, we’re going to need to seriously level up. We call it neurohacking.

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The Right Way to Reframe the Glycemic Index for Gut and Brain Health - An Interview With JJ Virgin

The Right Way to Reframe the Glycemic Index for Gut and Brain Health - An Interview With JJ Virgin

In an eye-opening discussion we tackle false dogmatic nutrition beliefs that are impacting both our microbiome and cognitive function. 

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Oxygen Training: A Q+A With Mark Squibb, Founder of LiveO2

Oxygen Training: A Q+A With Mark Squibb, Founder of LiveO2

The latest scientific research into oxygen training indicates it's possible to maintain and even regain peak physical and cognitive performance*. Here’s why peak performers are loving it.

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Combining Vision and Breath to Alter Fear States: An Interview With Andrew Huberman, PhD and Brian Mackenzie

Combining Vision and Breath to Alter Fear States: An Interview With Andrew Huberman, PhD and Brian Mackenzie

The work of Dr. Andrew Huberman and Brian Mackenzie implements a unique combination of breathing protocols and selective visual stimuli, in an instrumental methodology for adjusting one’s state— specifically the fear state. We discuss how to consciously choose a parasympathetic response over a sympathetic flight or freeze response when faced with real challenge.

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 How Our Second Brain Affects Mood, Immune Function, and Cognition: A Q&A With Naveen Jain

How Our Second Brain Affects Mood, Immune Function, and Cognition: A Q&A With Naveen Jain

New areas of neuroscience are looking from the bottom-up, focusing on how the gut impacts the brain. These findings and more have earned our gut microbiome the nickname “the second brain.”

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What Does Meditation Do to the Brain? – The Exact Science Behind It

What Does Meditation Do to the Brain? – The Exact Science Behind It

Read on to learn the science behind meditation and its relationship to brain atrophy, the prefrontal cortex, working memory, and more.

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The Ultimate Neurohacking List for Energy, Cognition & Longevity

The Ultimate Neurohacking List for Energy, Cognition & Longevity

Neurohackers, biohackers, and health conscious creators share their favorite hacks and tips for boosting mental energy.

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What Are Nootropics?

What Are Nootropics?

Nootropics are substances that enhance cognitive function and performance. Nootropics have become increasingly popular in recent years but you might still have questions about the science surrounding nootropics. If so, this article is for you.

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The Formulator's View of Qualia Mind Ingredients

The Formulator's View of Qualia Mind Ingredients

When choosing ingredients to include in Qualia Mind, Neurohacker Collective relied on scientific research and the N of 1 experiences of biohackers and the nootropic community. In this blog post, we’ll share some of the reasons why we included each ingredient and how individually they contribute to the overall nootropic experiences Qualia Mind was formulated to deliver.

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The Science Behind Using ulRFE Technology to Improve Focused Attention and Make You More Productive

The Science Behind Using ulRFE Technology to Improve Focused Attention and Make You More Productive

Learn the science behind using ulRFE magnetic signals to improve focus and attention to make you more productive.

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7 Easy (And Free!) Ways to Stimulate Your Vagus Nerve

7 Easy (And Free!) Ways to Stimulate Your Vagus Nerve

A healthy vagal tone has become a heightened area of research within the scientific community. Thankfully, there are easy to implement, highly effective, science-backed ways to activate the power of your parasympathetic nervous system by stimulating your vagus nerve.

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Our Favorite Biohacks For an Optimized Mind and Body

Our Favorite Biohacks For an Optimized Mind and Body

Each year we research the latest neurohacking and biohacking trends and when we find a technique or tool that holds promise of increasing peak performance, we test that hack in our daily lives and we're excited to share these tried and tested biohacks with you.

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Morning Routines of Leaders: Habits from the Founders of Neurohacker

Morning Routines of Leaders: Habits from the Founders of Neurohacker

We asked the founder's of Neurohacker Collective, "What is your morning routine?" because our morning routine (or lack thereof) tends to make or break our whole day. The most successful people have the habits that keep them consistently on track towards what is most meaningful to them. Starting the day off with positive habits creates a ripple effect through the whole day. 

We wanted to give you a glimpse into the morning routine of our very own at Neurohacker Collective, our co-founders Jordan Hall and James Schmachtenberger. Everyone benefits from a routine unique to them that contributes towards their own version of success. We hope the routines from these leaders inspire you to create your own habits to provide clarity and all-day focus, so you can tackle the tasks in your life with purpose.

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Eight Healthy Morning Habits to Physically, Mentally, and Emotionally Start Your Day

Eight Healthy Morning Habits to Physically, Mentally, and Emotionally Start Your Day

Find a successful person and you will find a structured morning routine.

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QUALIA MIND ESSENTIALS: The Building of a Comprehensive Cognitive Support Stack

QUALIA MIND ESSENTIALS: The Building of a Comprehensive Cognitive Support Stack

Qualia Mind Essentials was designed by taking into account key neural pathways and processes. It contains nootropic compounds, neuro vitamins, amino acids, choline donors, and herbal adaptogens. Each ingredient has stand-alone actions; they can also have additive or synergistic actions when combined, complementing each other in support of a particular cognitive pathway or process.

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Biohacking for Longevity: Interview with Dave Asprey

Biohacking for Longevity: Interview with Dave Asprey

We invited the biohacking pioneer, Dave Asprey, to talk about the science backed practices to age better and live longer. He shares with us his favorite biohacks to improve your gut bacteria, your heart rate variability, your mitochondrial function and more. There is not just 1 thing that causes aging, but 7 functions that contribute to the aging process.

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Your Mental Energy Makes All the Difference

Your Mental Energy Makes All the Difference

It’s a commonly accepted truth that how well you do a thing will be a direct result of the amount of effort you are willing to put into doing the thing. Whether it’s work or a workout ... a conversation with someone or time alone on your computer … meditation or watching a movie ... You will only get out what you are willing to put in. And the thing you need to invest, to get the most out of anything you do, is mental effort. 

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5 Science-Backed Ways To Hack Your Health

5 Science-Backed Ways To Hack Your Health

Join us as we explore interval workouts for longevity, how aromatherapy impacts food cravings, the link between mitochondrial fitness and mental health, and why your brain is begging for a little downtime in this edition of Neurohacking Advancements. 

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Online Education: An Exploration of 7 Websites to Fuel Your Mind

Online Education: An Exploration of 7 Websites to Fuel Your Mind

Get ready to fuel your mind with seven of our favorite resources in the form of websites, companies, programs and even apps that should be on your neurohacking radar!

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Nootropics for Energy: How Athletes Use Smart Drugs as Ergogenics

Nootropics for Energy: How Athletes Use Smart Drugs as Ergogenics

In our last article, Nootropics for Athletes, we discussed several ergogenics (a category of supplements that enhance physical performance, stamina, or recovery) and how they can also be used to optimize brain energy and mental performance. Many of those substances, such as creatine, were well-researched because of their effects on the body. The same is true for numerous nootropic supplements, which were designed to optimize mental performance.

In this article we will cover some well-studied nootropics that also have physical enhancing effects. 

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Stay Motivated to Workout: Understanding Mental Fatigue

Stay Motivated to Workout: Understanding Mental Fatigue

Mental fatigue lies at the core of motivating yourself to hit the gym and to give the extra push in your athletic performance. In Workout Motivation: The Science of the Brain's Role in Exercise we broadly introduced the importance of our mind for exercise performance. The interconnectedness between the brain and body means many markers of physical performance are modulated by our mind.

Here we focus on mental fatigue, introduce you to some of the fatigue models (how scientists believe the brain is operating), explain willpower and self-control and how they interact with workout motivation, and provide actionable tools to help you follow through on a workout program.

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What is Neurogenesis? Definition, Mechanisms, and its Role in Brain Plasticity

What is Neurogenesis? Definition, Mechanisms, and its Role in Brain Plasticity

Neuroplasticity, the nervous system's adaptive capabilities to change itself over a lifetime, is a fascinating subject. This and many other aspects of cognitive function inspired our science team formulate Qualia Mind, and provide the most broad support for human brain health in a once-a-day vegan formula. The science behind neuroplasticity, and the role environment and behavior plays in it, warrant a closer look, so we can support the biochemical processes that drive neurogenesis.

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