Collective Insights Blog

Is Fasting Good for You? Q&A on Fasting

Is Fasting Good for You? Q&A on Fasting

In our earlier articles in our guide to fasting series (How to Fast, What to Expect While Intermittent Fasting, and Anti-Aging Benefits) you learned the science behind fasting, the underlying mechanisms that provide benefits, and how to start. In Is Fasting Good for You? Q&A on Fasting we focus on five of the most pressing questions we believe members of the Neurohacker Collective community are interested in learning.

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Anti-Aging Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

Anti-Aging Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

In Silicon Valley, the hub of anti-aging research and funding, countless entrepreneurs and high-profile celebrities use fasting to combat the effects of aging. In Anti-Aging Benefits of Fasting, we will explore the mechanisms that create these fasting benefits. This part is more scientific than the others, but we emphasize only crucial components in an easily digestible format.

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What to Expect While Intermittent Fasting

What to Expect While Intermittent Fasting

In What to Expect While Fasting we explore how some biohackers are using traditional caloric restriction, some of the purported benefits, and what you can expect. This provides more in-depth context for fasting and how you might be able to apply it in your life.

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How To Intermittent Fast: An Exploration of Fasting Protocols

How To Intermittent Fast: An Exploration of Fasting Protocols

During the season of holiday feasts, the Neurohacker Collective team and community seem compelled to explore fasting benefits. In this article we approach the big picture of fasting and historical background of the early research. Even though the benefits of fasting have been studied for over a hundred years, traditional calorie restriction of decreasing calories by 15 - 40% has not been sustainable long-term.

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12 Ways To Upgrade Your Lifespan & Healthspan IQ

12 Ways To Upgrade Your Lifespan & Healthspan IQ

The amount of time we live is called lifespan. The length of time that a person is healthy and functional—not just alive—is called healthspan. Scientific understanding in these areas is advancing rapidly. Below are 12 things the collective thinks will help on your journey to a longer healthier you. 

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What is Neurogenesis? Definition, Mechanisms, and its Role in Brain Plasticity

What is Neurogenesis? Definition, Mechanisms, and its Role in Brain Plasticity

Neuroplasticity, the nervous system's adaptive capabilities to change itself over a lifetime, is a fascinating subject. This and many other aspects of cognitive function inspired our science team formulate Qualia Mind, and provide the most broad support for human brain health in a once-a-day vegan formula. The science behind neuroplasticity, and the role environment and behavior plays in it, warrant a closer look, so we can support the biochemical processes that drive neurogenesis.

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Qualia Mind: The Building of a Nootropic Stack

Qualia Mind: The Building of a Nootropic Stack

This article goes into great detail about the design and formulation process of our product Qualia Mind which was designed to promote a sustained improvement across the whole pallet of objective capacities and subjective states that contribute to optimized, creative, productive flow states. In this article, we want to share how individual ingredients stack together toward supporting those goals.

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Qualia Nootropics: The Complex Intelligence Behind Their Formulation

Qualia Nootropics: The Complex Intelligence Behind Their Formulation

Qualia nootropics were designed to promote a sustained improvement across the whole pallet of objective capacities and subjective states that contribute to optimized, creative, productive flow states. This goal required factoring many creative-productive capacities simultaneously. 

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Dosing Principles

Dosing Principles

Choosing the optimal dose for a given ingredient in our formulations is a critical and nuanced topic, so we want to share a bit about the principles that help guide our decisions at Neurohacker. Our principles derive from complexity science—the science of complex adaptive systems—and guide how we factor research and approach formulation and dosing. They take into consideration scientific evidence on the change in effect caused by differing levels of exposure (i.e., the dose-response relationship), but they do this in a way that honors complexity.

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Neurohacker Expands Product Development Team for New Product Launches

Neurohacker Expands Product Development Team for New Product Launches

Shawn Ramer, PhD joins ranks as Senior Vice President of Product Development; Gregory Kelly, ND signs on as Lead Product Formulator; Sara Adães, PhD expands research duties

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What is Acetylcholine? An Exploration of the Cholinergic system — Functions, Neurochemistry and Support

What is Acetylcholine? An Exploration of the Cholinergic system — Functions, Neurochemistry and Support

Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter and neuromodulator (i.e., a messenger molecule released by nerve cells to signal and regulate other nerve cells). It plays important roles in cognitive function, most notably, in the neural mechanisms of memory. In addition to this memory function, acetylcholine is involved in supporting alertness, attention, and learning. It is also responsible for the neuromuscular junction. It helps skeletal muscle contract and has many health benefits.

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What is Glutamate?

What is Glutamate?

What is glutamate? Learn more about the most abundant neurotransmitter and how it affects our brains. 

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Technology for Neurohackers & Biohackers: Tools Designed to Upgrade the Mind, Brain and Body

Technology for Neurohackers & Biohackers: Tools Designed to Upgrade the Mind, Brain and Body

From air and water filters, to therapy lights, to exercise tools this list has a little of everything for neurohackers.

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Dopamine and Dopamine Precursors

Dopamine and Dopamine Precursors

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Understanding the Function and Benefits of Huperzine A

Understanding the Function and Benefits of Huperzine A

Huperzine A is commonly used as an ingredient in nootropic supplements and is found naturally in Chinese club moss Huperzia serrata, from which the nootropic gets its name. 

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What You Can Gain From Taking Pyrroloquinoline Quinone (PQQ)

What You Can Gain From Taking Pyrroloquinoline Quinone (PQQ)

A great example of a nootropic that has a lot of benefits, but isn’t examined closely is pyrroloquinoline quinone. While many may focus on the surface level benefits from taking it, understanding how it works reveals the full impact it can have on the human body.

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A Look at the Benefits of D-Calcium Pantothenate

A Look at the Benefits of D-Calcium Pantothenate

D-calcium pantothenate is a form of pantothenic acid, or vitamin B5. Found in plants and animal tissues as well as cereal grains, eggs legumes, and milk. Most known for protecting cells against peroxidative damage by increasing the level of glutathione--an important compound aiding in the oxidation-reduction of cells. 

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Get to Know the Benefits of Artichoke Extract

Get to Know the Benefits of Artichoke Extract

Artichoke extract, sometimes called artichoke leaf extract, has all the benefits of artichokes in a concentrated form. Artichoke extract offers a wide range of benefits. Let’s start by looking at some of the nootropic benefits.

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Getting the Most Out of DL-Phenylalanine (DLPA)

Getting the Most Out of DL-Phenylalanine (DLPA)

DL-Phenylalanine (DLPA) is an amino acid supplement, a synthetic phenylalanine. Phenylalanine is a neutral,non-polar amino acid that plays a crucial role in many functions within the body. One of those functions is to produce tyrosine, a major component for synthesizing hormones.

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Techne Tou Biou, Epiphanies, and Higher Consciousness

Techne Tou Biou, Epiphanies, and Higher Consciousness

Plato used the expression “techne tou biou” which translates to the craft of life.  The craft of life is the ongoing learning, discovery, and work of what it means to be you in your world and how you are consciously guiding that experience as it unfolds before you.

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Phosphatidylserine: Why You Should Include it in Your Diet

Phosphatidylserine: Why You Should Include it in Your Diet

Phosphatidylserine s a nootropic that has been the subject of a large number of studies intended to take a closer look at the variety of phosphatidylserine benefits. Some of these benefits stand out as particularly strong.

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Advancing Human Sovereignty

Advancing Human Sovereignty

Neurohacker Collective's Mission: Advancing Human Sovereignty

Sovereignty relates to the capacity for and demonstration of good (omni-positive) choice-making.

We define sovereignty more formally as the product of sentience, intelligence, and agency.

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The Science of Nootropic Stacks: Achieving a Whole System Upgrade

The Science of Nootropic Stacks: Achieving a Whole System Upgrade

Nootropics are active compounds that act on the central nervous system to enhance cognitive function. There are myriad compounds with nootropic activity, each targeting different elements of the vast assortment of processes that give rise to cognitive function.

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6 Impactful Benefits of Bioperine and Piperine Supplements

6 Impactful Benefits of Bioperine and Piperine Supplements

Chances are you have black pepper somewhere in your home. While this common cooking ingredient can certainly spice up a meal, it also contains something that can at times be beneficial to your health. That nutrient is called Piperine. More often it is referred to as Bioperine. For those confused over the differences of Piperine vs. Bioperine, just know that Bioperine is Piperine’s trademarked name, so the two terms are often interchangeable.

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What’s the Difference? Comparing the Benefits of Citicoline and Alpha GPC

What’s the Difference? Comparing the Benefits of Citicoline and Alpha GPC

As people grow more concerned about caring for their bodies, a greater emphasis has been placed on caring for the brain. The brain, after all, acts as the control center for the rest of the body. If something malfunctions at the level of the nervous system, chances are it will affect many other systems as well. One of the most important chemicals for maintaining proper brain function is choline.

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