Comments on: 6 Things You Need to Remember While Mending Your Broken Heart Meaningful Productivity That Connects This Life With The Hereafter Sun, 15 Nov 2020 04:01:18 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sakib Rahman Sun, 15 Nov 2020 04:01:18 +0000 Thank you so much for these words. It made me feel a bit better. May Allah give strength to all His creations in this world. Ameen

By: هُدى Tue, 21 Apr 2020 18:22:31 +0000 This literally made me weep so hard, thank you very much for this. May Allah make all the depressed hearts feel the warmth of his love and nourish themselves in happiness here and in the hereafter. Ameen. <3

By: Hafsa Tanveer Sun, 15 Jul 2018 10:39:31 +0000 In reply to Nora.

Walekum Assalam Nora,
It is such a pleasure reading your beautiful comment! Thank you so much for taking out the time and writing your response. Shaytan is continously trying his best to lead us astray, but your beautiful attitude and perseverance in Iman can always make him powerless. I pray for you and for all of us to be protected from his evil plots and treacherous plans.
May Allah bless you with the best in the world and the hereafter!
Take care dear sister.

By: Hafsa Tanveer Sun, 15 Jul 2018 08:39:35 +0000 In reply to Asiya Shaikh.

Walekum Assalam Asiya,
Wow! These tips are so worth it!
I really loved the mindfullness part, where “living in the moment” makes us such a focused person!
I highly agree!
Thank you so much for your beautiful comment.
May Allah swt bless you, prolifically!

By: muslimah Sun, 15 Jul 2018 08:38:35 +0000 he dumped me.. bcz of his family.. m hurted by him emotionally, and mentally am broken now .. he oppressed me, he broked his promise, faith, and cheated on me.. he lied to me.. now my only source is allah.. i hv put my all trust n him.. allah swt… 😞

By: Layla Sun, 03 Dec 2017 15:54:53 +0000 This article brought me to tears. I have been going through a very difficult test and I just happened to stumble upon this article and I can’t thank you enough for sharing these extremely soothing words. I sincerely appreciate it more than I could ever convey to you.

By: Layla Sun, 03 Dec 2017 10:54:53 +0000 This article brought me to tears. I have been going through a very difficult test and I just happened to stumble upon this article and I can’t thank you enough for sharing these extremely soothing words. I sincerely appreciate it more than I could ever convey to you.

By: Hasina Mon, 30 Oct 2017 07:54:33 +0000 As salaamu alaikum,
I joined Productive Muslim this year when I thought my world was crumbling. I am still in the process of mending my broken heart and every article that was emailed to me, including this one was relevant to the exact issue I was trying to overcome at that specific moment.
Alhamdulillah! Allah knows exactly what I need in order to grow through what I am going through.
Stay positive and cry your heart out to Allah – it is truly effective. Keep praying, even when you feel that life is unfair (Allah knows what you know not), just keep praying. Revive your soul.
Meditate, become more present so you don’t drift off into unnecessary thought and emotion. If you do drift, acknowledge it and move on but do not dwell!
Thank Allah for allowing your heart to beat and your lungs to breathe! I wake up thanking Allah for my working limbs, my senses and sanity. If you look at those who don’t even have these you will realise how fortunate you really are. Love yourself, every part of you inside and out and take care of yourself.
When people aggravate you, remain calm, even when you want to give them a piece of your mind. This too shall pass.
Surrender it all to Allah, pay attention to the signs and He will guide you.

By: Hasina Mon, 30 Oct 2017 03:54:33 +0000 As salaamu alaikum,
I joined Productive Muslim this year when I thought my world was crumbling. I am still in the process of mending my broken heart and every article that was emailed to me, including this one was relevant to the exact issue I was trying to overcome at that specific moment.
Alhamdulillah! Allah knows exactly what I need in order to grow through what I am going through.
Stay positive and cry your heart out to Allah – it is truly effective. Keep praying, even when you feel that life is unfair (Allah knows what you know not), just keep praying. Revive your soul.
Meditate, become more present so you don’t drift off into unnecessary thought and emotion. If you do drift, acknowledge it and move on but do not dwell!
Thank Allah for allowing your heart to beat and your lungs to breathe! I wake up thanking Allah for my working limbs, my senses and sanity. If you look at those who don’t even have these you will realise how fortunate you really are. Love yourself, every part of you inside and out and take care of yourself.
When people aggravate you, remain calm, even when you want to give them a piece of your mind. This too shall pass.
Surrender it all to Allah, pay attention to the signs and He will guide you.

By: Hanufa Sun, 29 Oct 2017 16:49:57 +0000 Assallamu Alaikum,
Subhan’Allah what a wonderful article. I recall when I had been through several tough times and reading Salah and crying on the prayer mat worked, Alhamdulillah. We need to rely on Almighty Allah in our most testing times and read Tahajjud salah.

Jazak’Allah Khairyun
