Comments on: ​[Reader Discussion] How Can We Effectively Help Reverts? Meaningful Productivity That Connects This Life With The Hereafter Mon, 16 Sep 2019 10:08:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Hana Sun, 15 Jul 2018 11:27:39 +0000 In reply to Hena.

Thank hena.. I would prefer your advice.. it is simple and nice..

By: shamim Sun, 15 Jul 2018 09:28:41 +0000 Shukran jaza khala kheyr

As a new Muslim, the challenges we face mostly are just after reverting everyone is happy but most of the time, there is no one to follow up on the teachings and islamic way of life eg manners on how to treat your fellow brothers, especially hugging when you meet if he is not your mahram, prayers etc.
Though Allhamdullilah to my case I really search for information from lectures to internet, and thats how i came across this productivemuslim website which has really thought me alot and educated me, i even discuss and teach my friends and sisters who are not muslim yet about what i read from this website.

Inshallah Allah reward you abundantly.


By: Irfan Mustaqim Sun, 15 Jul 2018 09:28:41 +0000 As salamu alaikum wrahamatullahi wabarakatuhu. My wife and me are reverted from India. We are leaving home but unfortunately some unexpected gates are closed and we don’t know where to stay and how to survive at such scenario. Kindly help us in terms of anything. Love.

By: a muslim Sun, 15 Jul 2018 09:28:40 +0000 Tablig jamaat…seems a good way…Allah knows best

By: Hana Sun, 15 Jul 2018 09:28:40 +0000 In reply to Sister Mi.

Thank hena.. I would prefer your advice.. it dear sister, I am from Malaysia, and I am a muslimah, you can talk to me.. we can be online friends… I’m willing to help you sister… since I have a new muslim friend just reverted yesterday on his birthday, InshaaAllah I try my best to help you both

By: Manaar Sun, 15 Jul 2018 09:27:41 +0000 As reverted muslima from South America i faced many challenges (i still do) but there are some topics i faced and witnessed that I would like to share:
1) As Hena said below: please, marriage can come after but don’t push the new muslims to take this step without preparation, many sisters new in Islam get married without knowledge at least of her basics rights,because you can be unlawful marrying under tricking the person. For brothers sometimes are not aware about their duties and responsibilities.
2) For sisters: don’t push them to take the hijab if they are not ready for it yet, (remember, all comes step by step) you don’t know if in her job is not allowed yet because in certain professions or companies sometimes are not ready for this changes (as same for their families), we don’t know the background of the sisters if they have to support their families economically and make them to lose their jobs can cause a huge impact in them and their families.
3) Don’t judge the new muslims for commit mistakes by lack of knowledge, be sweet with your words and try to explain sweetly the reason why. Be humble in the way you give explanations.
4) Remember for the prayers there are tiny differences between madhabs for this, if you are not sure which madhab is following the person (sometimes they learned from a friend or watching videos), don’t be quick in judge and reprehend. First try to understand, then help.
5) Be humble exposing your level of knowledge, sometimes happens that some brothers/sisters knows a lot of things, have memorized tons of hadith and ayats and cite them, you can find that some are not able to receive this kind of information quickly and they can feel bad about it, but also you can find some want to learn everything quick as possible.

By: Jasmine Sun, 15 Jul 2018 09:27:41 +0000 Assalamualaikum:
Jazzakallah khair for opening this discussion. I am a convert of four years at present, and have been very fortunate to have had a very positive experience, thanks to the people around me. Some major influences included:
1) Having close friends who checked up on me frequently, invited me to their families for Eid, and even lived together for a time – this was beyond what I could have asked for. Basically, being around kind, practicing muslims helped me feel comfortable and very happy to be part of the ummah as I was finding my way. Often new converts spend Eid alone (I have done this a few times) and it can get super lonely – for muslims with stable families to invite new converts is truly a wonderful and meaningful gesture. Also actively reaching out to new converts is important as they can easily feel isolated if there aren’t many muslims in their immediate family and might be scared to reach out.
2) Being among a diverse group of sisters from many countries and cultures was extremely comforting; being able to see them open to other cultures made me also feel comfortable stepping out of my own comfort zone as there can be a sort of culture shock with so many lifestyle changes as a new convert!
3) Opportunities to learn about the deen – this is so important – since converts mostly have to learn by reading, getting your local community stocked with good, shaykh-approved books of varying levels from basic to advanced would be helpful- plus guidance from community as to what to focus on first, like a learning plan. Converts need access and recommendations to really good Islamic books, such as a reference fiqh book of the five pillars, purification of the heart, a variety of quranic translations, history of the quranic text, sirah, and others, else it can be easy to get distracted by the negative media around Islam on the internet and many.
4) Access and open communication with a local sheikh – especially for sisters. Sometimes sisters find it difficult to directly approach a sheikh – but Alhamdulillah, my local masjid had an imam that was always open to my questions and didn’t chide me for entering the main hall of the masjid. Converts need to learn basic ettiquette of approaching a sheikh so that they never have a problem seeking out answers – I was informed by another muslim that it was OK to go directly ask our sheikh questions, and what times were the best to seek him out, and I at that point knew to respect distance and to keep a certain level of professionality in our interaction – without this I would have missed out perhaps my most important source for answering difficult questions.
5) Feeling accepted without being pressured to change halal parts of my heritage culture. I love to learn arabic and about Islamic history, but it is great to feel like I can feel comfortable with my own heritage and personality around other muslims without feeling rejected. Converts already give up many parts of their original culture – it can be intimidating and misleading to pressure converts to change even the halal things they are used to, such as traditional foods, dress (as long as it’s halal), and beneficial activities ~ especially exercise, and their name so long as it is not haram.

By: Fareeha Naeem Sun, 15 Jul 2018 09:27:41 +0000 In reply to Issa.

Asalamo Alikuim,
What I understand is that the writer used the word revert and not convert because once you accept islam as the true faith you actually connect to your origin.

As all human are born with innate realization of one Creator no matter what their surroundings teach them.

So reverting is finding the missing link that was always there not the pervious life we were living.
So I think the the word revert is more appropriate.

I hope I didn’t confuse you:))

By: Faud ali Sun, 15 Jul 2018 09:27:41 +0000 Asalamu aleykum dear brotherSir and sisters in faith. The answer of how can we help our new Muslim
Brothers and sisters is needed at this time of age .slam is today fastest growing religion.
I think we should teach them love of allah , and the love of the prophets more than Rules of Do and don’t.
We should teach them tawhiid correctly.
We should teach islam is not based on groups instead we have to emphasise we are one ummah ,one people, we have one allah, one messenger Muhammed saw. One quran. We are ummah Not Groups.
We should be inviting people to Allah not to sects. Finally I think we need to train our brothers and sisters who are trying to help others in order to reach our correct goal .thank u all brothers and sisters in Allah.

By: Abu-l-hassan Sun, 15 Jul 2018 09:27:40 +0000 For every country or settlement, there should be committee that’ll manage the affairs of the reverts.

In my own country they have a typical vice affecting the reverts especially in the south western Nigeria.
1. Poverty : there should be a foundation to manage them especially knowledge and action-wise. The negative impact of poverty cannot be overemphasis, the xtians has the better resources even if they’re convinced to islam and there’s little or no means of sustenance . they’re back to shirk. Fal ya’dhubillah

Learning more about the Taoheed as the basics makes them stronger.
