Do you mind if I make a video on these 5 prinicpals?
]]>where did u get this material?
]]>Wa alaykum salam,
Go ahead. I’ll try to help if I can inshaAllah.
]]>Not sure, you’d have to write to Productive Muslim and ask.
]]>Thanks for clarifying. It is a problem everywhere. I will look into it and maybe someone will write on it.
Btw, I’ve just reread my earlier reply and had to laugh at my ‘close open’ relationship phrase. What? lol It doesn’t make sense! What I meant was a close relationship with open communications :)
]]>It was very kind of you that you gave a reply to my comment. I was referring teenage issues especially haram relationship. It’s spreading fast throughout the Muslim societies. When I see my teenage cousins are engaged in relationship I feel extremely sad but I can’t do anything as they are not under my control.My mom is not friendly with us and my youngest sister is reaching teenage within some months.As her eldest sister I want to protect her from those issues.
]]>Most definitely when children are young we teach them to be God-loving but as they grow older (preteen and teenage) we also teach them to be God-fearing so they don’t overstep the boundaries of Islam.
]]>I don’t claim to be an expert on teenagers even though I have 2. Most of my experiences are with young children but these 5 principles are the most basic and should apply to teenagers as well. I think you’re refering to teenage issues that can develop if these 5 fundamental principles are not practiced.
My theory is that if parents have a close open relationship with their child then most teenage problems might not arise. I could be wrong but so far, alhamdulillah, it has worked for me.
Let me know specifically what issues you would like addressed.
]]>Alhamdulillah you’ve decided to be a kind parent. But kindness need to also come with firmness. We don’t need to be tough but we need to be firm.
]]>Alhamdulillah, I’m glad you like my programmes. Ameen to your dua. Jazakallahu khayran.