Comments on: ​Barakah for Eternity: 4 Simple Ways to Earn Innumerable Hasanat Meaningful Productivity That Connects This Life With The Hereafter Sun, 15 Jul 2018 11:17:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Heidi Hozayen Sun, 15 Jul 2018 11:17:49 +0000 In reply to nafsee.

Beautiful ideas Jazaki Allah Khayran really!
I personally never thought of some of these, insha’Allah we can work on them.

By: Heidi Hozayen Sun, 15 Jul 2018 11:08:08 +0000 In reply to saidu.

Jazak Allah Khayran, this makes our entire team delighted for that is our purpose. May Allah always use us to inspire others, I am sure you inspire others too :)

By: Heidi Hozayen Sun, 15 Jul 2018 11:08:08 +0000 In reply to Samdani.

W Alykum AsSalam wa Rahmatullah wa barakatuh, Allahuma barek. This is my dream job masha’Allah to help people learn the Quran, the ultimate word of God, all praise and glory be to Him.
Jazak Allah Khayran for sharing it with us.

By: Heidi Hozayen Sun, 15 Jul 2018 11:06:11 +0000 In reply to Saima.

Thanks for sharing :)

By: Heidi Hozayen Sun, 15 Jul 2018 10:46:16 +0000 In reply to Rokeya.

Jazak Allah Khayr. May Allah always use us to help you. Thank you for your kind words, may Allah accept it from us :)

By: Heidi Hozayen Sun, 15 Jul 2018 10:39:33 +0000 In reply to Amna Zeeshan.

Allahuma Barek! This makes me so delighted! May Allah, all praise and glory be to Him, guide you and be with you in every step you take. Insha’Allah this will be the best Sadqa Jariyah for you :)
Jazaki Allah Khayr for sharing this with us.

By: Heidi Hozayen Sun, 15 Jul 2018 10:21:44 +0000 In reply to Nazeera.

Jazaki Allah Khayran for your kind words and lovely duaa. May Allah, all praise and glory be to Him, multiply your rewards for every good deed you do and give you barakah in your time and scale of hasanah :)

By: Heidi Hozayen Sun, 15 Jul 2018 10:21:44 +0000 In reply to Afsheen.

Salam alykum Afsheen,
I totally agree with you that some areas have a lot of masjeds but very few people worshipping Allah, all praise and glory be to Him, in the masjed. That’s why teaching the deen is always more superior than just building a masjed. However, in some areas around the world, you may not find a masjed although there are Muslims and this is always problematic because Muslims there will not find a community that revives Islam. What I mean to say the best sadaqa Jariyah depends on the circumstances and the needs of his/her community.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts :)

By: Maryam Sun, 15 Jul 2018 09:46:54 +0000 AssalamuAlaikum,
Mashallah these seem to be good ideas to try for this month including Shaaban and Ramadan.
Thanks for the practical acrionable ideas. J.A.K. May Allah benefit you in dunya and akhira.

By: insan abd Allah Sun, 15 Jul 2018 09:46:54 +0000 Bism Allah…

Salaam alaikom,

Barak Allah feeki sister Heidi and the productive muslim team for an encouraging and inspiring article yet again. May Allah reward you all for your deeds and ours too ie the comentators for participating…etc.

I pray the following may also be a form of sadaqqa jariah for me too, like for the rest of us too. Ameen.

I personally would recommend for starters an overthrowing of the mosque committes. (Smiling face). Apologies bad joke! …

May Allah accept the following of the words and time i spent in doing such and also a recompense of my wasted previous and if to come wasted moments. Ameen.

I would like to put forward;

1) worshipers at mosques to speak amongst themselves and choose from amongst themselves repesentives to approarch the committees and ask and try to implement greater change…etc.

a) ask to be involved in commitees meetings and if meetings do not happen, then try to implement such on a periodical time frame and obviously in times of need. Al-hamdullah we are ummat of al-shura ie true democracy (if that word actually means that).

b) issues of the community to be disscussed, whether muslim or non…etc. set up of surgeries for help to be offered (especially deen issues), for sign posting to services, self development programs to be set up…etc. and of course lecture programmes during the week. As br. Mohammed mansour mentioned too, audio talks etc also as they have in countries example egypt …a section where audios/books can be borrowed…etc.

Also some mosques have notice boards for lectures in and around surrounding areas. Also, accomodation and job adverts or any form of assistance, as the respected dear author mentioned the hadith of the Beloved (SAW) as to Allah being in the aid of a person if in aid of others…etc.

As sisters Mariam and Saba mentioning the creches for our little ones, ma sha Allah lovely idea. Are there any other ideas we as a community could do to make the hidden treasure of iman and islam more appealing to our youth ie as to bring them closer to the mosque and community and off the streets…etc?

Dawah tables for non muslims out side of the mosques? Or as mentioned above posters in the mosque…how about outside of it? …obviously, as like in all everything needs to be discussed with the community elders, especially where we are all based..etc, as to not arouse unwanted feelings in those with in our community but not under the flock of the muslims as of yet but we pray for ourselves and then them to be apart of the haqq in sha Allah.

With the above volunteering or even non volunteering positions for those whom wish to undertake anything productively and for the sake of the Ghani the Self Sufficient…etc. Also, charity ventures for the other same causes (ie other organisations) and also fund raising days for the mosque in question and also the other same causes…etc.

I beg you pardon for over writing, as saddiqqa jariah was mentioned, and after reading the article, i was quite down personnaly before that, so as if the last moment for any of us may come or not at any given time, i hastened to write …etc .

IstigfirALLAH min kul zanb.

May Allah purify mine first mostly and all our intentions. Because we all stand alone on that day, except the those who love one another solely for Allah’s sake.

May Allah accept and as not to go over board and i apologize for that, albeit, love you all for His sake.

As seeds and trees were also mentioned above, i just wished to shate a sentence of ” those who plant trees, truly do have love for others besides themselves”.

Surat al-asr.

Peace and blessings on our Beloved sayidna Muhammed.
