Comments on: How to Capitalize on the Barakah of Having Parents Meaningful Productivity That Connects This Life With The Hereafter Sun, 15 Jul 2018 11:57:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Fatima Khaled Sun, 15 Jul 2018 11:57:43 +0000 In reply to Kiren.

I think this is a very difficult question and need a scholar to give you a reply to it. May Allah guide to the right path.

By: Noble Peace Sun, 15 Jul 2018 11:57:42 +0000 In reply to Fatima Khaled.

Barak Allah feeki manifold and may you enter the garden of peace, you , your family and loved ones. Allahoma Ameen

By: noble peace Sun, 15 Jul 2018 11:54:04 +0000 In reply to Fatima Khaled.

sallam alaikom sister Fatima yet again :)

just wanted to offer an apology. I hope it was not inappropriate in anyway about mentioning beauty and your article, obviously because of satan and how he can twist things….for anyone who reads anything…so sorry, I did intend to direct towards Allah’s 99 beautiful names and did plan to say and remind and direct to ‘Allah’s 99 beautiful names’ by boona M.

albeit thank you again and sisters like you are an inspiration and with out sounding rude keep up the good work and please make dua for me too. peace unto you

By: Noble peace Sun, 15 Jul 2018 11:48:15 +0000 Bism Allah w salat w sallam al-nabi al-rahma

Sallam alaikom,

Part 2 of the above….

Once I met a wise non-muslim in her majesty’s royal hotel, and we talked about parents…etc. To cut the story short, what I pictured in my mind, was my mother and father..(and parents in general)…as statues..and auz Billah…etc. But as if they were to be worshipped, and with Allah al-mithl al-alaa…..Also, joseph’s dream…etc.

As to what was mentioned above in a bit of a rush…(remembering that haste is from satan and I suppose we as humans when ungrateful as me are such…w iza mesaho al-shur jezoua). Albeit, would any one agree that the holy spirit is in us all, like they say the kingdom of God/Allah is in us all?…….probably talking to myself as usual…so I’ll just carry on…..As to the children and the second children i.e. the elderly…etc. As is known I hope is that we all learn from one another in life, and much so from the little children, i.e. the teachers and future leaders of tomorrow, hence the agenda behind the corruption of the minds from a young tender age!

Uff….mother Aisha….thank you!

Hypothesis; could work, could not!……they say that in the blessed city of Madinah, the inhabitants when referring to the Beloved peace be upon him they say ‘ Gidi’….i.e. their grandfather. (whether true or not-Allah yalum) carry on..if I may….but whether any of us are ahl-al-bayt or not, who knows anyway, as their was a lot of marriages back then…! So whether man or woman, man/woman up….sorry just wanted to use hawa again…. Back to theory of how to improve or could be a way to improving our relationships with in the family…etc. as WE ALL LOVE SAYINDA MUHAMMED?…..who knows who might be our fathers or our mothers? And even our selves and our roles…so let us all thank Allah for surat al-kauthar….Muhammed definitely lives on………………..

….and many waves make up the ocean!

As to start heresy and in-sha-Allah not to cause despair…there may even be and Allah knows best more than one Mahdi and to cause doubt even more, more than one jesus!…and even so, legends were still made and continue to be made whether Mahdis/jesus’ or not. (be aware-more to come ,i.e. heresy and doubtful matters-so tawheed in la ilaah ila Allah)

And to end, the aim of us all should be to be walking Muhammeds and Khadijas!

As back to main topic…’kazmeen al-ghayz’ and most definitely ‘al-afeen ala al-nas’

So/and Hanzalah says : giving is receiving and receiving is giving… to the lost property of emotional intelligence!

Peace unto you

By: Maryam Sun, 15 Jul 2018 11:48:15 +0000 AssalamuAlaikum Sr,
I really appreciate this article deeply. I seriously need to put those tips in my daily actions. It’s such a good reminder for me. Thanks for your share. May Allah grants you tawfeeq in dunya and akhira.

By: Sarah Sun, 15 Jul 2018 11:48:15 +0000 Assalamualaikum!! Wonderful article Masha Allah!! I think what particularly hit home for me was the tip on going the extra mile. I do listen to my parents and do as they tell me but I realised that I’ve never done extra for them while they always try to make sure everything goes perfect for me… :( Insha Allah gonna try implementing this asap!

By: Babagana Shettima Sun, 15 Jul 2018 11:48:14 +0000 Masha Allah. This is a reminder we are all in need of to constantly reminded of. May Allah have mercy on our parents

By: Mohammed ibunu Abdullaah Sun, 15 Jul 2018 11:48:14 +0000 Alhamudilah every day I thank Allah for giving such parent for me.after reading above article I got some more tips to please my parent for my Rab.
Jazakallah for the article,in Sha Allah,hoping more related articles.

By: Alisha Sun, 15 Jul 2018 11:48:14 +0000 This article truly hit a raw nerve. My parents and I haven’t been on the best of terms and recently, things have made it even harder for me to accept them. I’ve been isolating myself from them for years because every time I look at them, I’m reminded of painful memories. I guess this is exactly what I need right now- to be reminded the status of my parents in my life regardless of their shortcomings. Thanks so much for the article.

By: prayer the medicine..then acti Sun, 15 Jul 2018 11:48:14 +0000 In reply to anonymous.

Salaam alaikom

Dear sister

Sorry you are going through your little situation…etc. i just made dua for you and in sha Allah will do again.

Do yourselves eat together round a table…etc?..if you do not…perhaps try it..there is great barakah in such. And also if you know what causes the little issue….have you looked into how and what angles you could approach it…etc?…..sorry silly questions…..just wanted to let you know, that we are an ummah….and alhamdullah Allah is always listening to us all.

IstugfirAllah the all Hearing the All Forgiving, forgive us all.

Salaam alaikom.keep strong and make dua for me too. Fe aman Allah.
