Comments on: Tips for Those Spending Ramadan Alone Meaningful Productivity That Connects This Life With The Hereafter Sun, 15 Jul 2018 11:47:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: musabeh lillah Sun, 15 Jul 2018 11:47:24 +0000 In reply to Claire M.

Salaam alaikom sister claire

In sha Allah your ramadan went well.

I pray you do have friends or family that see you or check up on you from time to time??

If that is not the case, im not sure what part of the world you are in…etc. just a suggestion as solutions were discussed and mentioned above….do you have notice boards in your community? Is there an islamic one especially ..sure there is in this day of age….apologies…myself im all talk no action..etc. how about setting up with those in the community a club..if there is not one already..or a group of muslims/muslimahs that make contact and activities…etc.

If you do not know or cant….well i was going to write more….apologies…in sha Allah you are ok and may Allah give you the best of companionship with Him with His book and prayers and also a friend or two.ameen and for all the so called lonely ones too…..Allah is all our friends..alhamdullah for Him

Take care sis.
Salaam alaikom

By: Claire M Sun, 15 Jul 2018 10:11:08 +0000 In reply to Mustafa Howard.

walaikum assalam and thank you so so much for your comment. I, like you, am someone who is basically always alone; in my case as a convert with asperger’s so has trouble with social skills etc. I appreciate just knowing and seeing there are others out there for whom the trite “go meet people!” “give dawah!” advice might fall a little flat. Anyway, I just really really wanted to thank you for your post, it was intelligent and insha’allah it will help people consider what they write and what they think of in the way of solutions. I hope you are doing well this Ramadan, and in general, and you will be in my dua. Take care.

By: stix Sun, 15 Jul 2018 10:11:07 +0000 In reply to Mustafa Howard.

Wasalam, what is the cause for you being so alone? And how do you address this isssue. Do give examples

By: Wajid Sun, 15 Jul 2018 08:21:52 +0000 Excellent article. I can identify with many of the suggestions made by the author. Ramadan is opportune time for building closeness to Allah through good practices and kidmaat (service) to family and the wider community, muslim or non-muslim.
I am personally using this Ramadan to achieve some level of spiritual elevation by ensuring that I perform at least three of the daily prayers in congregation. To date I’ve already learnt additional duas , mostly focussing on forgiveness and building Iman. The warmth of the people at the daily salaat, taraweeh and community Iftars is a wonderful, encouraging experience and I would urge anyone who is thinking about being more actively involved in their Community to stop hesitating and go to your Masjid today. Time is short. What are you waiting for? Allah (SWT) is waiting for you to take the first step Be sure He will run towards you. May Allah accept our duas for forgiveness in these last ten nights and may He bless the Author and her family.

By: Mustafa Howard Sun, 15 Jul 2018 08:21:52 +0000 I like it when Muslims think about issues. Most Muslims don’t do that. However, this blog post actually highlights and exemplifies several serious problems. So, to start with the title. Tips for Those Who Spend Ramadan Alone. That indicates a huge problem. No Muslim should be alone in life, particularly when it’s institutional loneliness, like converts and others without family. Muslims must not allow such conditions. To be alone for a month is ok. But some of us are alone for a lifetime, including many converts.
Secondly, the issue of giving advice. Muslims love giving advice because it requires no effort and no expense. But most advice is low quality, often deadly, because the advice giver has no expertise in the subject. Muslims lack expertise because communities have not established institutions to study our own community. Most Muslims won’t even support such things. It’s extremely difficult to get anything done right in a Muslim community.
The author stated the following: ” No matter how hard it is, our reward lies with Him and it is He who recognizes how big our struggles are, He is always with us, and He never let our efforts or any moment of distress we spend for His sake go to waste.” It’s nice encouragement, but Islamically incorrect and incomplete. If one is alone not for a month, but alone in life, like myself, and some Muslims I’ve known who committed suicide, or died from the institutional destruction of being alone, such encouragement is improper. One of the 5 basic principles of Fiqh: “hardship must be removed”. If it is institutiinal hardship, then it becomes Fard to change the institution or provide its remedy, to avoid destroying a human being.
At that point, ISLAM’S advice is :
Oh, Muslims, fear Allah. You are failing miserably at your Fara’id al-Kifaya [communal mandates]. It is Fard for you to appoint and support specialists in your community to properly assess systemic failings, and Fard for you to build PROPER solutions. Otherwise, you will meet Allah with a mountain of Fara’id you did not fulfill, which will be heavy weight condemning you to Jehannum.

By: Celina Hanif Sun, 15 Jul 2018 08:21:52 +0000 Jizaakum Allahu khayr for this beneficial post. I hope I can apply these suggestions during Ramadan. I’m a single mum of 4. Eldest is 7 younger 2. Although not completely alone. Single parenting tales so much out of me I barely have the energy to do anything else. I can just about get through the obligatory things let alone the sunnahs, any advice for busy single mums out there would be very appreciated

By: Celina Hanif Wed, 16 May 2018 11:12:46 +0000 Jizaakum Allahu khayr for this beneficial post. I hope I can apply these suggestions during Ramadan. I’m a single mum of 4. Eldest is 7 younger 2. Although not completely alone. Single parenting tales so much out of me I barely have the energy to do anything else. I can just about get through the obligatory things let alone the sunnahs, any advice for busy single mums out there would be very appreciated

By: Maryam Fri, 16 Dec 2016 08:14:37 +0000 AssalamuAlaikum Sr. Aisha
This article is really beneficial Masha’Allah. It’s something I’m looking forward to sending it to those I believe they spend Ramadan “alone” esp in their travel. Insha’Allah they benefit from it. May Allah elevates the highest level of paradise. J.A.K

By: Maryam Fri, 16 Dec 2016 03:14:37 +0000 AssalamuAlaikum Sr. Aisha
This article is really beneficial Masha’Allah. It’s something I’m looking forward to sending it to those I believe they spend Ramadan “alone” esp in their travel. Insha’Allah they benefit from it. May Allah elevates the highest level of paradise. J.A.K

By: musabeh lillah Fri, 14 Oct 2016 00:47:41 +0000 In reply to Claire M.

Salaam alaikom sister claire

In sha Allah your ramadan went well.

I pray you do have friends or family that see you or check up on you from time to time??

If that is not the case, im not sure what part of the world you are in…etc. just a suggestion as solutions were discussed and mentioned above….do you have notice boards in your community? Is there an islamic one especially ..sure there is in this day of age….apologies…myself im all talk no action..etc. how about setting up with those in the community a club..if there is not one already..or a group of muslims/muslimahs that make contact and activities…etc.

If you do not know or cant….well i was going to write more….apologies…in sha Allah you are ok and may Allah give you the best of companionship with Him with His book and prayers and also a friend or two.ameen and for all the so called lonely ones too…..Allah is all our friends..alhamdullah for Him

Take care sis.
Salaam alaikom
