Comments on: [Reader Discussion] How to Recover from Phases of Weak Iman Meaningful Productivity That Connects This Life With The Hereafter Mon, 16 Sep 2019 10:09:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Daniya Arfaj Thu, 09 May 2019 04:32:43 +0000 In reply to Afsah.

I too want to join my email is

By: Hamza Khurshid Sun, 15 Jul 2018 12:00:23 +0000 In reply to fathima zahan.

This is a good suggestion. Jazak’Allah

By: Suriya Abdul Hadi Sun, 15 Jul 2018 11:27:39 +0000 In reply to fathima zahan.

Great suggestion! Fasting reminds us on the most basic of needs.

By: M Sun, 15 Jul 2018 11:27:39 +0000 This summer I really changed for the better Alhumdulilah. I did a lot of Ibadah and trying to better myself becausen I had a lot of free time. However, when I started to go to school, I was then exposed again to all the bad people and things again. I try my best to live in Allah’s way and there is even an MSA and Friday Jumuah. But I get so caught up in school work and I do hours of school work that my Salahs are much quicker and I cant make as much dua andcI get distracted thinking about school work. Not to mention the social aspect of school. My Iman goes way down during the week but in the wekend I spend a lot more time thinking about Allah and making dua. I do not know how to keep this up or at least having some conciousness of Allah while in school and I do not know how to make the good Saliheen friends because most of the “good” guys (not judging but from what I see outwardly with Akhlaq)are in the higher grades and they are nice but they want friends their age. And then the other people with whatvI see as pleasant character are girls my age ( and I am a guy). I do not know how to help myswlf but I always ask Allah tocgrant me istiqamah and good friends.

By: Afsah Sun, 15 Jul 2018 11:09:14 +0000 As salaam sisters I’ve created a slack team for sisters to join in for gathering together to practice Islam inshaAllah it will be non judgmental in fact none will be allowed to share the sins they might have committed I e between u and Allah but you can share your shortcomings and gain unconditional acceptance and encouragement from other sisters. If you d like to join pls send your email address to me @ afsah2006@gmail. Com to recv an invitation. Bro this is an sisters only team soeen if u sent in yr email add u won’t be invited. JazakumAllah

By: Mohammadou Sun, 15 Jul 2018 11:09:14 +0000 Salaam,
Great interesting topic. I have had this problem myself. There is this game (not haraam, a trucking game) that I want to play but if I do I feel like it is only detrimental to my Iman, (because it is usually long distance driving, I listen to a lecture, weirdly) or it lowers my status with Allah or I am shaming myself. I am not addicted to this game, in fact, I have played it very rarely since I became more on the Deen. It is fun and I plan on playing it an hour or so and then not playing it for a long time because I can go long times without playing it. Another one of my fears is that I fear that the time that I chose to play the game will be the time that I die, instead of my hopeful and dreamy death in sujood that I pray to Allah to have. (It is not about how you live but how you die: Barsisa, the man who died committing Zina after trying to give Dawah to his bad friends alone). I feel really bad after playing but I also want to have Halal fun. Even the response that it is okay, I sill feel afraid and that I will be bad with not showing Allah that I want to get closer to him (even though I do).

By: Hamza Khurshid Sun, 15 Jul 2018 10:52:12 +0000 In reply to Hauwa.

Really effective … “I envy you my brother, in adversity you pray. Knowing that heaven awaits you at the end of this day.” by Zain Bikha

By: L. Sun, 15 Jul 2018 08:27:57 +0000 In reply to Aisha.

To me it looks like you’re depressed, so I advise you to fing therapist. Sometimes we have mental-soul problem and it is not just about our religion. I personaly had to deal first with my depression and when I felt better, I was better in my religion. Everything was so hard for me and grey. Step by step, now I’m happy person and find a joy in life. So use the blessing of therapist Allah gave us and make yourself happy again ♥

By: SYED HUSSAINI Sun, 15 Jul 2018 08:27:56 +0000 Assalaamu-‘Alaikum Everyone,

I would like to just add a few points and possibly repeat some of the things already said (I remind myself before I remind you):

1) It is normal to have dips and highs in one’s Imaan. Once a Sahabi (RA) feared that he was a hypocrite because he would feel spiritually excellent when he was with the Prophet (SAW) but would not feel as good as when he was in his busy with his day-to-day routine. Abu Bakr (RA) came to him and the Sahabi (RA) told Abu Bakr (RA) about this, and Abu Bakr (RA) also felt the same way. SubhanAllah they both feared they were hypocrites — the best Men in the Ummah of the Prophet (SAW). So they told the Prophet (SAW) about this; the Prophet (SAW) told them that if they were always like how they were when they were with the Prophet (SAW), then the Angels would manifest and shake their hands!
So we learn that it is normal for us to have highs and lows in our Imaan. We dont always have to feel awesome, but should make the most of it when we do!

2) Three spiritual things that REALLY REALLY REALLY help are:
– Read Qur’aan (for like 15 minutes a day) at the time of Fajr. You will not believe the impact this has on you and, if you do it, eventually you will love that time you spend with the Qur’aan at Fajr more than any other time in the Day In Shaa Allah! Also try to look up the Translation of the Meaning and ponder over the Verses In Shaa Allah.
– Pray Tahajjud. I know this point is a bit difficult for some of us. I personally try to make it for my Tahajjud, but its not always easy. At least make an aim to Pray Tahajjud on a Friday/Saturday night. But make sure to make an effort, and dont push yourself too hard; May Allah (SWT) Bless you and us all with ease — Aaameen! The reason this point is so helpful is because it is only the Chosen servants of Allah (SWT) who are Decreed to spend the night with Him (SWT). It is really cool and once you experience the feeling of Tahajjud yourself; you would not wanna stop SubhanAllah!
– Try to Pray at the Masjid. This really helps (especially for those of us who are not in an Islaamic environment for most of the day), spending time in a company of Muslims in the House of Allah (SWT) will, In Shaa Allah, help you in your Imaan. When you are surrounded by Muslims engaged in ‘Ibaadah, you realise that there is a lot more to your life than this Dunya, though you try hard to achieve success in both this life and the next, you realise that the Aakhirah is more important. In fact, the Prophet (SAW) loved the fact that he (SAW) would spend time with people who would Remember Allah (SWT) morning and evening.

3) Allah (SWT) Guides whomever He Wills. Make Du’aa! If you had an illness, you would go to a doctor; weakness of Imaan is also something to be wary of and we all should make Du’aa and ask Allah (SWT), sincerely, at least once every day, to help us with our Imaan. May Allah (SWT) Bless us all with Imaan that has firm roots that dig deep and cannot be pulled out, and that bears fruits for others and provides shade for others — Aaameen.

4) Dont let this stage of your Imaan let shaytaan have his way. Avoid sin, enjoin in the good and forbid the evil and always ALWAYS be wary of shaytaan and his evil plans. Be careful! He will aim to spoil your Imaan the minute it gets weak. Remember Allah (SWT), and Allah (SWT) will Remember you! And seek refuge in Allah (SWT).

5) Increase in your Knowledge. It really helps to learn more about Islaam; dont ever underestimate Knowledge. Learning one Name of Allah (SWT) a day and pondering over It can have a MASSIVE impact. And when you learn something new, dont just store it at the back of your head till it is forgotten — implement it In Shaa Allah!

There are many more things to say, but these are some good points to get started with.
As Muslims, we have grabbed onto a Handel that will never break; but we can break. May Allah (SWT) Always Keep us firm to His Deen — Aaameen!

By: Ahmad Sun, 15 Jul 2018 08:27:56 +0000 Alhamdulillah. I keep doing taubat prayer untill i feel easy and less guilty.
