Comments on: The Guilt-Free Guide for Working Muslim Moms to Raise Great Kids Meaningful Productivity That Connects This Life With The Hereafter Mon, 09 Jul 2018 20:26:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Monique Hassan Mon, 15 Jan 2018 15:46:07 +0000 Assalamu alaikum Sister and all reading this.

Great post.
In this current day and age, it is not always so possible that one person is the breadwinner (as many here state), but that is not the focus of this article. This is for those that are working moms, this is not trying to encourage stay at home moms to alter their plans nor is it downing them.

For some of us, (me included) we have no choice in the matter. Bills need to be paid.

I own a freelance writing business, I am the sole proprietor. I also work fulltime at a behavioral health hospital in a position of authority. Has this influenced my child? yes. She is independent minded, more a leader than a follower. My working has not damaged her lol. I will say it is my intention to leave the hospital eventually inshallah and work from home on my writing business.

Now onto the actual content. I agree with you about family time and organization. We must always set aside time with our loved ones, always. This not only recharges us, it helps us to bond and work on our iman as a family.

Organization and time management is crucial . I have google calendar on my phone with reminders, I schedule out my week accordingly. Especially my evening events (I often spend time in the evening writing after my kid is asleep) For a real example, looking at my calendar app right now I see that I am editing two articles tonight after dinner/family time and on Tuesday I am writing a rough draft about social media/mental health during my lunch break.

Also, you have 4 kids Sister! Mashallah this is beautiful, a house full of smiles and dirty hands lol

By: Atim Brenda Sun, 14 Jan 2018 07:40:52 +0000 In reply to fatimabubakr.

Please read my reply, it’s directed to you sister fatmabubakr

By: Atim Brenda Sun, 14 Jan 2018 06:08:29 +0000 In reply to fatimabubakr.

Subhana Allah I completely agree with you, this is taking responsibility by encouraging mothers let alone wives to prefer to work outside when not ” a necessity”. I’m a doctor myself and I can never justify my absence from my child to alleviate my guilt, but we shall get greater ajr in teaching our children Islam, memorising quran, and being ready for our husbands at all times. Subhana Allah, sister I feel like crying, you have touched my heart, I didn’t know there are still women like this out there, I’m Muslim convert, last year of medical school, a mother of a toddler, subhana Allah can we just be friends for Allah’s sake, ouhibuki fillah. You can contact me if possible. Since my conversion to Islam, I lost all friends because our friendships were based on Jesus Christ, now I hold a different perspective on life, I see these great achievements as trivial, I hope to help out in a local martenity hospital and Insha Allah when my kids will be grown up I shall open my own maternity at home. I’m facing lot’s of challenges with family cause their expectations of me is different, my father expects me to climb higher to proffersorship, to bear the family flag, yet I haven’t even memorised 2 juz from the quran yet, let alone learning the Arabic language. So I need encouraging words like this, you touch me most when you said death is near, as a doctor I can only tell you better. Please, I need your friendship or at least to hear from you.

By: SAKutty Thu, 20 Jul 2017 03:37:38 +0000 In reply to Ismail Satia.

Brother if u r so against women at the workplace, then never ask for a lady doctor or lady islamic teacher or lady bank officer for ur female relatives…Can u tolerate a man examining ur women or teaching them quran and islamic studies one to one, or interacting constantly with them regarding their financez? Think and experience life before judgements r passed.Also Khadijah R.A. was a mother even b4 she married the Prophet SAW. He was her empmoyee. And Allah knows best.
The article is excellent. Jazakallah.Specially the part where the author mentions taking time for community work.

By: Eman Thu, 12 Jan 2017 05:16:02 +0000 Mashallah, very useful article. I have been struggling with a guilty feeling recently for not doing enough to raise my children as good Muslims and this article just gave me the kick I needed to go on. Thank you.

By: fatimabubakr Wed, 26 Oct 2016 23:35:57 +0000 Dear sister,

I ask Allah to guide me, you and the Ummah of nabie s.a.w.

Whenever we raise a point, we need to have the fear of Allah in our heart and make sure that we are speaking with not only taqwa, but absolutely accurate knowledge within the appropriate context; not just randomly using refererences from the Prophet to support our claims; particularly if these claims are based on our nafs.

Sister, do you think the Nabie of Allah, peace be upon him, the beloved of Allah, allowed Khadijah whom Allah had given salam for her dedication to His azzawajjal’s Prophet for working outside the home and intermingling with the opposite sex???

Why did she hire him to work for her in the first place? So that he would conduct and supervise her business!

Sister, the wrongs of working and intermingling with the opposite sex is without doubt real.
No argument in can justify it.

The worse part of committing a sin is not accepting that it is a sin, but justifying it!

If you must work because you are a single parent and have no support, I ask Allah to find you a way out and a halal option.

If you are married but influenced by present day of career woman what have you; I ask Allah to guide your heart and guide you to the haqq

Walahi sister, as a muslim stay at home with a Masters degree, I simply cannot emphasise that no one on this planet earth can take care of your children like you; the appointed keeper!

I am married and gave up my job along time ago when i realised my obligation to Allah and to my kids. We barely make enough. But Allah provides and we are satisfied with His blessings.

The destination is Jannah sister; not achievements in the workplace or your career.

We need to fear Allah dear sister and submit to Allah in the ways that He has commanded.

Death is very near.

Let us work for the akeerah and please Allah in the most beautiful way just like Khadijah did.

Indeed, how can we have Khalids, Umars, Abubakrs (may Allah be pleased with them all) if we pay others the service to do so.


Allah gave that role to you!

May Allah guide the Ummah of Nabie s.a.w and save us from the evil influences of the kufar and tricks of the cursed shaitan! Ameen

By: Nor Hayati Mohd Said Sun, 01 May 2016 02:23:00 +0000 Dear Sister,
I like your article very much. I am a working mom of four. How i wish i could be a stay at home mom but unfortunately its not possible for the time being.. Anyway.. women work for different reasons and only Allah knows the reality behind each and every reason… No man or even woman have the right to make judgements. Only Allah have the right to do so. So while we working women try to make the best of both worlds, an advice or two will definitely make our day. Do you mind if i share your article in my facebook page DR.NOUR clothing. May Allah rewards your good deeds immensely.

By: Ismail Fri, 27 Nov 2015 00:27:21 +0000 In reply to Mazahir Ahmed Khan.

JazakAllah Khayran brother

By: Ismail Fri, 27 Nov 2015 00:26:03 +0000 In reply to Nadiya mohamed.

You are wrong sister. Why do women need to work?Especially mothers.

In the West, women working increased the Zina rates and divorce rates. I am not sexist, rather more concerned about what is right for women.

Men are in charge of women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth.
4:34 Qur’an

Men are breadwinners not women!

By: Ismail Fri, 27 Nov 2015 00:23:11 +0000 In reply to Amel.

All men are not the same, many men have wives who do not work and support them.

Nobody is bashing women, we only say what the Qur’an says.

A lot of you commenting are not providing qur’an and hadith just talking form your desires. As one sister stated, she is clearly working for the money. No Islam involved there.

So nobody is judging – please correct your facts.
