Comments on: Consuming Electronic Media in Moderation: Tips by Muhammad Alshareef Meaningful Productivity That Connects This Life With The Hereafter Mon, 19 Aug 2024 02:57:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: haina Sun, 15 Jul 2018 11:19:52 +0000 In reply to haina.

time will come

By: Muhammad Alshareef Sun, 15 Jul 2018 11:19:52 +0000 In reply to Zainab Khan.

There’s a hotel resort in Canada, the Fairmont, that advertises: no electricity! They insist that a truly rejuvenating experience happens when there are no distractions. A friend of mine who stayed there said while initially it was kind of scary without electricity, by the second day it really kicks in and it’s an amazing experience.

Again, of course there are HUGE benefits to the technology we’ve been blessed with. It’s just a reminder for moderation and the potential awesomeness of constructive down time.

By: meryem Sun, 15 Jul 2018 10:55:03 +0000 In reply to Adnan Ali.

thats a very good tip! i think that will help me a lot. Jazaak Allaah khair brother.

By: Hana Tsurayya Sun, 15 Jul 2018 09:36:42 +0000 Thanks brother for reminding us. I’ve already deactivated my FB for awhile and been trying to do many activities in real life to stop me being addicted to the net. Alhamdulillah

By: robina jabeen Sun, 15 Jul 2018 08:52:44 +0000 Assalamu are absoultly right.Excessive use of electronic media is like an addiction.we have to set our priorities and limits its usage other wise we wil loose connection with our creator Allah SWT and on other side with people.

By: Laila Sun, 15 Jul 2018 08:52:44 +0000 Assalamu Aleikum and Jazaakallahu Khairan for the article. I have withdrawn Facebook and WhatsApp from my life and I have to tell that is the best decision I have made in my live. Now focus on the Quran and better my deen.

By: Yasser Z Sun, 15 Jul 2018 08:52:44 +0000 1. Keep the phone on you, but disable ALL phone notifications. That way the thing in your pocket won’t interrupt what you are doing. Enable only important notifications, and dedicate specific special notification tones so u know exactly if u should answer it or not. For me I disable whatsapp group notifications but enable 1on1 messages. I use Olark for my website and have a special ringtone specifically for that. A special SMS tone for my mom and dad, etc.

2. Uninstall facebook from your phone. Instead, install something useful such as flipboard where you can choose design the content to useful stuff catering to your interests. Such as cat .GIFs, because hey sometimes u need it in your day.

3. Use a productivity tool such as to keep important tasks/mini-projects at top of inbox and top of mind. That way they’ll bubble to top of mine when u have spare time and eventually u might just get some stuff done. These are the types of things that count but will never become urgent. Such as, call that old friend or purge the garage.

4. Train yourself to put “the present” first, that means the people in front of you right now. Live in the moment. Don’t live in the memory of the phone. Especially when everyone else pulls out their phones and are checking statuses, or posting a photo… exercise restraint. It is a muscle that will grow in time. Tell yourself mentally that people in front of you are more important than the people on the phone. Train your friends to do the same by making snarky comments when they pull out their phones. It will negatively reinforce their behavior.. do it tastefully and humorously please.

5. Get out of a job and get into entrepreneurship. Jobs make you lazy. When you have to earn your own money, you’ll not waste all that time on 25 useless cat video tabs. You’ll get off your rear and do productive stuff.

may Allah bless the writers
As salaamu alaikum..

By: Hassan Tahir Sun, 15 Jul 2018 08:52:44 +0000 Assalam o Alikum!
Indeed wonderful thoughts shared.I want to share a thing regarding the motion.what i observe now a days that not even adults but children or babies are also suffering from the very same disease and the fault is of the family

By: Rukayat Opawuyi Sun, 15 Jul 2018 08:52:44 +0000 Asalamualaykum warahoumotulahi wabarakhatuhu.
I must say electronic consumption is a bane if not controlled, i closed my facebook account because of this reason,even in the office i restricted my self to news and gogling Islamic site.
Jazakhumlahukhairan for this article.

By: irshad ahmad Sun, 15 Jul 2018 08:52:43 +0000 Assalamualiakum
It is disheartening to note that we are swayed by the so called modern gadgets keeping us away from Amighty Allah.Let us pledge to be true muslim by commiting ourselves to Islam and only Islam.
