Comments on: Top Articles of 2013 Meaningful Productivity That Connects This Life With The Hereafter Sat, 09 Aug 2014 10:57:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Said Hasan Thu, 02 Jan 2014 18:30:06 +0000 JazakAllah khayr to all productivemuslim team. If I say this is the best site I visited in 2013, I am not exaggerating!
Most of the articles that I enjoyed are in the collection of the top articles but they are also many others that were truly inspiring and would love to re-read again and again.
Among them are:
1. All the productive thinking series by Thurein win.
2. Doodles by Aneesah Satriya especially Cleanliness and productivity.
3. A guide to choosing a profeshion that benefits you and the ummah.
4. The Bucks stops here: contribute to your community.
5 Don’t wait: Live productively while young.
6. Returning to the sunnah and building productive relationships.
7. Managing our emotions for success in Dunya and Akhirah.
8. Six practical steps to achieving total quality management.
9. Developing a productive hobby.
10. 9 tips to getting those good deeds done/ How to kick start your new active lifestyle./Creative thinking for productivity series./ How to enjoy a productive weekend series/productive fundraising/7 practical ways to acquiring knowledge about Islam/Dr. Abdulrahman Al-Sumait: A legendary productive Muslim.
In fact each article of was a happy read for me last year and I hope in sha Allah that it will be a happy follow, practice and realization in my life for me this year.
May Allah bless Productive Muslim team, the contributors and all the happy readers. Ameen.

By: Said Hasan Thu, 02 Jan 2014 13:30:06 +0000 JazakAllah khayr to all productivemuslim team. If I say this is the best site I visited in 2013, I am not exaggerating!
Most of the articles that I enjoyed are in the collection of the top articles but they are also many others that were truly inspiring and would love to re-read again and again.
Among them are:
1. All the productive thinking series by Thurein win.
2. Doodles by Aneesah Satriya especially Cleanliness and productivity.
3. A guide to choosing a profeshion that benefits you and the ummah.
4. The Bucks stops here: contribute to your community.
5 Don’t wait: Live productively while young.
6. Returning to the sunnah and building productive relationships.
7. Managing our emotions for success in Dunya and Akhirah.
8. Six practical steps to achieving total quality management.
9. Developing a productive hobby.
10. 9 tips to getting those good deeds done/ How to kick start your new active lifestyle./Creative thinking for productivity series./ How to enjoy a productive weekend series/productive fundraising/7 practical ways to acquiring knowledge about Islam/Dr. Abdulrahman Al-Sumait: A legendary productive Muslim.
In fact each article of was a happy read for me last year and I hope in sha Allah that it will be a happy follow, practice and realization in my life for me this year.
May Allah bless Productive Muslim team, the contributors and all the happy readers. Ameen.

By: Muhammad Aslam Wed, 01 Jan 2014 16:12:33 +0000 Assalamualaikum.. May allah bless this productive team.. Keep up the good works and hoping more good products in future insha allah..


By: Muhammad Aslam Wed, 01 Jan 2014 11:12:33 +0000 Assalamualaikum.. May allah bless this productive team.. Keep up the good works and hoping more good products in future insha allah..

