Comments on: Don’t Wait – Live Productively While Young Meaningful Productivity That Connects This Life With The Hereafter Mon, 09 Jul 2018 20:26:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: Shahida Adeeb Sat, 11 Mar 2017 21:59:52 +0000 Can I translate this article in my native language ( Urdu)?

By: hillgrovemist2016 Fri, 11 Mar 2016 01:22:21 +0000 […] Read moreĀ  […]

By: Sara Fri, 07 Feb 2014 19:05:37 +0000 God bless u

By: ainul mardhiah abdullah Fri, 22 Nov 2013 14:28:19 +0000 Mashaa Allah. this was the same ques we were discussing in our usrah here.. Im still a student and keep on questioning my self on how to be productive and contribute the most towards the community. I always think that we can only contribute when we are working because we have skills and money and more matured. but I was wrong! We can contribute the most when we are actually young! Mashaa Allah. Allahhu akbar. now I realized. it is very clear to me now. jazakallahu khayran kathira for this article :)

By: Amina Edota Mon, 18 Nov 2013 19:52:26 +0000 In reply to abdul malik.

Masha Allah, Tabaarakallah.

Keep reading Br. Abdul Malik, May Allah benefit us all with the tips and pointers.

By: Amina Edota Mon, 18 Nov 2013 19:50:05 +0000 In reply to F.sumaiya.

Wa iyyak!

Keep those lenses in place & stay productive F.sumaiya.


By: Amina Edota Mon, 18 Nov 2013 19:45:49 +0000 In reply to Naima Asma Cherfaoui.

Amin to your dua Sr. Naima. Stay productive!

By: Amina Edota Mon, 18 Nov 2013 19:43:29 +0000 In reply to Rukhsana.

Wa iyyak Rukhsana. Baarakallahu feeki!

By: Shuaibu Tue, 12 Nov 2013 13:58:01 +0000 interesting article, remind us of our primary assignment. Like the perfect example of all Prophet Mohammad SA said value these 3 (Time, Opportunity and Ability)

By: mansoor Mon, 11 Nov 2013 07:43:26 +0000 Very Fine and Practicle Article. Jazak Allah Khair. Wanted to add my 2 bit regarding the Dilemma of many parents regarding the upbringing and islamic practices in todays world.
I too was exactly like the present day Youth having studied in the West Influence and Top that with Service in the Non Islamic Army–with no Muslims/ Masjids in site. But with parents and relatives with very strong BELIEF and Sincere Practice of Islam–NOT THE RIGID form of Adherances. Had not the read the meaning of the QURAN. Hence the knowledge was very scanty and Most of it was DON’Ts. There was no English Translations available to me. Had read the QURAN in Arabic without understanding a word,hence found it a burden to go through. One day My Dad gave me the English Translation of QURAN by Abdullah Yousf Ali.
I read it as a story book the first time.Found it to be the most LOGICAL BOOK. Read again to actually study it like Exam.Had doubts it sorted from scholars.Must have read it many times.Every time some new doubts linger. These days it is easy to get them clarified. My suggestion..PLEASE READ THE MEANING OF THE QURAN LIKE YOU STUDY ANY SUBJECT FOR EXAMS. DON’T READ HADITH TILL YOUR IMAM IS SOLID ROCK. HADITH IS THE LIFE OF OUR PROPHET(saws)LIVED TO PERFECTION. WE MUST TRY TO FOLLOW BUT EVERY ONE HAS LIMITATIONS OF HIS CAPABILITIES–eg.If you ask the fastest man on earth Bolt to run Marathon he will fail or not complete it. But ALLAH (SWT)Justice is Perfect. So he created100 Grades of Heaven.So those who follow the hadith to the T go to grade1 and so on.At least we Muslims start with PASS MARKs by only saying KALIMA .We have to now ensure that our marks are not cut for bad behaviors and the 9 BIGGEST sins. Allah has said that sins HE will forgive if he finds us as Genuine Muslims.REGARDING PRAYERS START WITH ONCE ADAY TO THANK THE SUPREME,MERCIFUL,LOVING ALLAH FOR THE PRECIOUS THINGS HE HASGIVEN US LIKE EYES THE FUNCTIONING ORGANS AND JOINTS. ONCE YOU START TO THANK THE LORD ONCE A DAY YOU WILL WANT TO DO MORE. After all we take so much PAIN to thank our friends and relatives for the small gesture or favours..IS IT TOO MUCH TO THANK THE CREATOR.EVERY ONE HAS TO THINK AND FEEL HIMSELF/HERSELF.WE AS PARENTS OFTEN BECOME A PAIN IN THE NECK. AIM SHOULD BE TO GENERATE REALISATION. MAY ALLAH GUDE ALL OF US. PRAYERS OF PARENTS SHALL CERTAINLY HELP IN GENERATING THIS REALISATION. PROGRESS WILL FOLLOW THEREAFTER IN SHA ALLAH.
