Comments on: Motherhood Series: When Iman Level Dips Meaningful Productivity That Connects This Life With The Hereafter Sun, 15 Jul 2018 08:27:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: SURRAIYA Sun, 15 Jul 2018 08:27:13 +0000 Assalamalykum
very useful tips indeed…I have been visiting your site for quite some time and hav always found it extremely useful.
plz give some tips to fight our eternal enemy shaytan …couldnt find any article or lecture on it.
I also face problem opening ur animations..They r so good.I used them in my summer children class..which is fee sabi lillaah..plz do upload them on on halatube or vimeo as youtube is banned in Pakistan.InshaAllaah many will benifit from it..If you have any animation on encountering shaytan plz email me.
I ll be gr8ful…jazakallaah

By: Sofiya Sun, 15 Jul 2018 08:27:12 +0000 Salam alaikum everybody!
I think this site is brilliant! I’ve gain alot of tips from it and I preciate it!
But..lately I’m struggling With 1 bad habit that I also a big part of the muslim youth struggle With too. And that is the bad habbit of listenting to Music. So I was wondering if you guys could Write Down some tips to stop this bad habbit and so on..=)

By: SURRAIYA Mon, 18 Nov 2013 03:54:18 +0000 Assalamalykum
very useful tips indeed…I have been visiting your site for quite some time and hav always found it extremely useful.
plz give some tips to fight our eternal enemy shaytan …couldnt find any article or lecture on it.
I also face problem opening ur animations..They r so good.I used them in my summer children class..which is fee sabi lillaah..plz do upload them on on halatube or vimeo as youtube is banned in Pakistan.InshaAllaah many will benifit from it..If you have any animation on encountering shaytan plz email me.
I ll be gr8ful…jazakallaah

By: Ummeadam Thu, 24 Oct 2013 19:31:10 +0000 I was feeling that dip in my imaan level but never had time to think how to resolve it . Jazakillah for such a nice article that reminded me of many things I forgot .

By: Ummeadam Thu, 24 Oct 2013 15:31:10 +0000 I was feeling that dip in my imaan level but never had time to think how to resolve it . Jazakillah for such a nice article that reminded me of many things I forgot .

By: Grandma Jeddah Tue, 22 Oct 2013 18:14:15 +0000 Jazakalakhair Sister Sana for your wonderful suggestions. You provided so many helpful tips. I like your suggestion of spending time with family. Enjoying time with family can sometimes be a great uplifter. Barakalafik.

Your Sister in Islam,
Grandma Jeddah

By: Grandma Jeddah Tue, 22 Oct 2013 14:14:15 +0000 Jazakalakhair Sister Sana for your wonderful suggestions. You provided so many helpful tips. I like your suggestion of spending time with family. Enjoying time with family can sometimes be a great uplifter. Barakalafik.

Your Sister in Islam,
Grandma Jeddah

By: Sofiya Fri, 18 Oct 2013 09:23:56 +0000 Salam alaikum everybody!
I think this site is brilliant! I’ve gain alot of tips from it and I preciate it!
But..lately I’m struggling With 1 bad habit that I also a big part of the muslim youth struggle With too. And that is the bad habbit of listenting to Music. So I was wondering if you guys could Write Down some tips to stop this bad habbit and so on..=)

By: Hadiza Aminu Fri, 18 Oct 2013 00:26:57 +0000 Salami alaikum,each time I read ur article I gain something new which boost my iman.may ALlah reward u.

By: Hadiza Aminu Thu, 17 Oct 2013 20:26:57 +0000 Salami alaikum,each time I read ur article I gain something new which boost my iman.may ALlah reward u.
