Comments on: Tips to Enjoy Blessed Meals in Ramadan Meaningful Productivity That Connects This Life With The Hereafter Sun, 15 Jul 2018 09:58:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ghufran Khir Allah Sun, 15 Jul 2018 09:58:55 +0000 For easy, fast and nutritive recipes, visit my cooking channel in YouTube:

Chanel:Ghufran Khir Allah

By: Ghufran Khir Allah Sun, 15 Jul 2018 09:20:12 +0000 In reply to Lisha.

Try this link:
If it did not work niether, go to youtube and search my full name: Ghufran Khir Allah. The channel is called: COOK WITH PASSION

By: Fatima Sun, 15 Jul 2018 09:15:23 +0000 In reply to Ghufran Khir Allah.

Jazzakallah khairan Dear Ghufran. Saturday, after fajr pray I could read 4 pages of Qur’an in arabian and the effort was less important than before, I could understand many words and confirm it when checking with french translation. I think it is because Allah SWT is so Generous and gave me this to help me in keeping on reading.
All your tips are very good. So you are in Spain! You know I was born in Portugal! So close. Yes, fast will be very long for us, but al hamdoulillah, may Allah SWT give us a strong heart and a strong body to endure this. I’m always so happy when Ramadan comes! Even though time is long and Summer just started in Paris (it was Winter till some days ago :) )

By: Lisha Sun, 15 Jul 2018 09:15:22 +0000 In reply to amna.

This is such a lovely idea – I hope to remember and implement it, In Sha Allah!

By: Kishwar Sun, 15 Jul 2018 08:51:55 +0000 jazzakhallahokhairun,
Iwill try to stick to the tips inshaallah.along with wudu and zikr which Amna suggested.May Allah(SWT)accepts our ibada in the blessed month.

By: amna Sun, 15 Jul 2018 08:51:55 +0000 excellent article MAA SHAA ALLAH, just wanted to add one more thing. dear sisters, whenever u enter kitchen to start preparing food , pls do wudu and during preparation of the food do zikar… these two things will increase the Baraka of food to its height….the food which is prepared with wudu and zikar has its tremendous effect on children and all the the family members, just try it and u ll see the difference

By: Lisha Sun, 15 Jul 2018 08:51:55 +0000 Further to my previous comment, i tried your Youtube channel link and it seems to have some problem – just thought to inform…

By: Ghufran Khir Allah Sun, 15 Jul 2018 08:51:55 +0000 Dear Yasmin, Idress, Lisha, Fatima, Hannatu and Amna, thanx all for your comments. I am so motivated for more writing knowing that those articles are helpful for you.
Wish you all a very blessed Ramadan

By: Fatima Sun, 15 Jul 2018 08:51:55 +0000 Dear Sister Ghufran

salam aleykoum. Once again your article is very useful to me. Barakallahoufik.
May I ask, what about Qur’an recitation for those who read slowly and with difficulty? I mean, people like me: I read Qur’an in French (a very good translation indeed) and as it is a bilingual edition, I read small parts in arabian. Sometimes I try to memorise a part of a Aya, like for instance in Sourate Al Bakarah “Inna Lilahi wa inna alaihi rajia’oun” because when reading I feel so touched by what Allah SWT is telling me. What hapened last year was that I was divided in between reading Qur’an in arabian (in a phonetic version) whithout understanding and reading in french, like I intend to do (and am doing already) with small parts that I read again in arabian. I am always confused about this. Is the reward the same? I’m also reading each day a bit of Ibn Kathir tafsir of Jouz’Ama. Anyway, what I feel is that when I stop reading Qur’an, my heart goes dry and my pray looses it vitality. This is something difficult to explain, it is an inner feeling, a very strong one. When my pray looses its vitality it is like if all my life looses sense, everything goes wrong. When while praying I am really focused I feel an incredible joy, I do feel that Allah SWT is there for me listening to me and I feel like bursting into tears of gratitude to Him. But this feeling comes and goes. I’m asking as a du’a to Allah SWT to help me so that I can keep my concentration while praying and do it in time (fajr is a really problem as I work and summer schedule in Paris is very hard: Maghrib around 10 p.m. Isha around midnight and fajr around 3h30 a.m.)

By: nageena saeed Sun, 15 Jul 2018 08:51:55 +0000 assalamo alaikum. Was so happy to read all these articles. Jazakallah for the tips. Had a question from Dr Farhat hashmi reg right diet for right ibadaah so I was reading this . I am a student of Al Huda and will love to rec further maiis from you all. Thank you.
