Comments on: Strengthen Your Resolve and Organize Your Ramadan Meaningful Productivity That Connects This Life With The Hereafter Sun, 15 Jul 2018 12:20:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ghufran Khir Allah Sun, 15 Jul 2018 12:20:53 +0000 In reply to Ghufran Khir Allah.

I am sorry.. there is one extra zero in the comment. I meant 10,000 of each :)

By: Ghufran Khir Allah Sun, 15 Jul 2018 11:10:12 +0000 In reply to mariam.

Salam alekum dear Mariam, I am so sorry for this late answer! I hope you figure out how to block time for sleeping … I think you are lucky to have taraweeh done at 11 because here in Spain we finish taraweeh at 1:30am of the next day!
Anyway, when we say qiyam, that does not mean 1 hour an a half of praying! You can do six rek3as in 15 minutes and have a good sleep till suhur time.
Invade you do not work outside home, and you control your day schedual, there is nothing wrong in spending the whole night in 3bada and sleep from 6 to 11 am, as long as you have a productive planing and your sleeping hours are no more than 7 hours a day!
Hope you find a practical solution for your worries :)
Fi amani Allah

By: Ghufran Khir Allah Sun, 15 Jul 2018 11:10:12 +0000 In reply to Fatima.

We are all here for you sister :)

By: Ghufran Khir Allah Sun, 15 Jul 2018 10:58:54 +0000 In reply to Just a Mulim.

Dear Just a Muslim:
Thanks for your comment, but I want to draw your attention to one thing: I am a female writer: D
Finding a good competitor is a habit that has been practiced since the beginning of Islam! AL-Sahaba (the followers of the prophet (PBUH) used to compete each other, especially Abu Baker and Omar RadiaAllahu annhum, And the prophet (PBUH) did not mention any negative hint about it. Maybe, some people prefer to maintain their intention (niyah) connected to Allah subhanna only and avoid such kind of competition, and they succeed to keep the motivation and energy up during those thirty days. On the other hand, some prefer to have a competitor as a reminder and energy boosting to keep motivation around. That does not mean in any moment that the intention of doing the good deeds is not for Allah´s sake, not at all!
According to Allah might accept and might not! Personally, I think that this is a dangerous kind of thinking! And very pessimistic! Thinking in a positive way about Allah subhanna is one of the most important pillars of Islam. There are many proves about this in Quran and Sunnah. The most clear and direct one is narrated Abu Huraira: Allah’s Apostle said, “Allah said, ‘I am to my slave as he thinks of Me, (i.e. I am able to do for him what he thinks I can do for him). (See Hadith No. 502). That is, if you doubt that Allah subhanna might not accept your work but your competitor´s, so be ready for this because it is the reality that you create for yourself! It is better to believe that Allah will accept both of your work and give both of you extra reward for helping each other to do righteous deeds as Muslims in all aspects of your life
Wa Allahu Aálam
Ghufran Khir Allah

By: Ghufran Khir Allah Sun, 15 Jul 2018 10:58:54 +0000 In reply to salma.

Wa alekum il salam sweetie:
The first spiritual practice that comes in my mind is Dkir. In those days you can intensify your dkir records: Istigfar, Subhana Allah wa bi hamdeh.. etc.. Choose at least 5 patterns and put a record for yourself 100.000 for each during the whole week.
The second one is listening to Quran, if you can understand Arabic, try to mediate the Ayas you are listening to and find the connection between our current days and them. if you can not understand Arabic, you can hold the translation and read it while listening.
If your are learning tajweed or memorizing Quran, you can still practice the difficult words, pronounciation of some letters or reciting in your heart and mind what you have memorized so far
Those are the tips I normally do, I wish if other sisters and brothers can share other tips
Fi amani Allah
Ghufran Khir Allah

By: Ghufran Khir Allah Sun, 15 Jul 2018 09:30:55 +0000 In reply to Sr A.

OH! very useful videos by the way!!! Thank you very much!

By: imayoungmuslimah Sun, 15 Jul 2018 09:30:55 +0000 In reply to Fatima.

Wa fiki barakah, sis. Always happy to help!

By: Ghufran Khir Allah Sun, 15 Jul 2018 09:30:55 +0000 In reply to Loyalty.

Wa alekum il salam!
I am really sorry to hear about this tension! Finding the strategy is a complicated task to do! It depends on each couple needs and on their current position in the marriage relationship. You have the most difficult mission to do this Ramadan! Make a lot of Duaa.. I will make Duaa for you too!
In each marriage relationship there should be certain patterns that determine the nature of those wife and husband. There might be the controlling figure (easy to get angry, difficult to be satisfied, want to know about every little detail and control it). In the opposite, the second figure is the one who always makes scarifies, let away his/her personal rights in order to please the first figure. But by time, this unfair relationship will push the weak partner to the limit and s/he refuses to yield anymore! s/he start a revolution!
Another pattern is when you find the carless figure, that takes everything easy, messy, always forgets his/her family needs, put family requirements at the end of the list and never makes efforts to improve his/her family commitment. Ther other figure is the one who takes the responsibility of the kids, housing, spend night alone waiting for the first figure who is hanging out with friends or unnecessarily plans. Then, s/he discover that she doesnot need to bear the carelessness of first figure anymore. S/he starts criticizing, making troubles and starts the war.
In both examples, I am sure there is still more patterns to be mentioned, Shaitan in there. Shaitan decorates the problem, gives it colores, smells and dangerous connotation. While in fact, it could be analyzed logically in a simple way! Although I have never tackle this issue before, here you have my tips for now.. and my biggest advice is to read about it!!
1. Try to analyze to which patterns your parents belong, Read about this pattern…
2. Be diplomatic and manipulate fact for their benefit! Do not be so honest by what your father think about your mom or vise versa..
3. Start by the easy figure, the one who is close to you, the one who can listen to you even if s/he will not approve every word you say.. but at least LISTEN..
4. Do not be directly criticizing… invent or look for a very similer story about somebody and tell it to your Mom and Dad, while they are together. Try to be effective and mention that Shaitan has exaggerated tiny problem to them and you wish they can make it up before Ramadan
5. Try to mention sweet memories you all spend together, bring photos or videos if you have… let their minds stop the unconscious process of accusing each other, and let them remember that there is still a good side in the other partner…
6. If you have the change of direct and clear conversation about the topic, insist on giving the last chance. This include deleting all the past and open a new white page, never discuss previous mistakes or even think about them.
I am not sure how much those tips are useful for you… Please, read, make Duaa and be patient… If you want to go in details, please feel free to write me on my email:

By: Naima Asma Cherfaoui Sun, 15 Jul 2018 09:30:54 +0000 In reply to Fatima.

Assalamu Alaikum Fatima,

First of all, I want to say that I have so much respect for converts like yourself. Please don’t feel ignorant just because you don’t know somethings yet. That’s completely normal and your religious knowledge will increase with time insha’Allah. Now, on to your questions:

Sunnah prayers are optional prayers that one can engage in before or after the regular prayers. You perform them in the same way as the regular prayers. 2 raka’ats before Fajr, 4 raka’ats before + 2 after Dhuhr, 4 raka’ats before Asr, 2 raka’ats after Maghrib, 4 raka’ats before + 2 after + 1 after (called “witr”) Isha.

The Duha prayer is a voluntary prayer which consists of a minimum of 2 raka’ats and can be offered anywhere between after sunrise to when the sun is at its zenith.

Qiyam Al-Layl refers to the voluntary night prayer which can be prayed from the time after Isha to dawn. The Qur’an speaks about the excellence of this prayer on many occasions. It can be performed all throughout the year.

Taraweeh refers to an extra congregational prayer performed only during the nights of Ramadan.

“Dhikr” is usually translated as rememberance of Allah (swt). It can be done by repeating certain words like the ones you mentioned above. Or it can be done by simply thinking of Allah (swt) in one’s heart. Nowadays, we often get so distracted by everything that is going on that we don’t make enough time for consciously remembering our Creator.

Dua’s (supplications) can be made in any language and don’t have to be made in Arabic as far as I know.

Insha’Allah I was able to answer your questions. :)

By: Ghufran Khir Allah Sun, 15 Jul 2018 09:30:54 +0000 In reply to Fatima.

Salam Sister! MAshaALLah! How lucky you are to be chosen by Allah subhannah to see the light and be Muslima! This is a blessed don that we are, as native Muslims, deprived of. MashaALLAh! May Allah give you the strength to follow up your spiritual progress every day, especially in Ramadan.
According to Sunnah, it is an optional Salah we pray before or after the obligatory ones according to a determined scheme. Duha and Qiyam are independent sunnah. They are unlimited pairs of two rikaas: so you can pray 2, 4, 6, 12, etc… two by two. Duha time starts after the sunrise till 30 minutes before Duhur Time. Qiyam time is after Ishaa prayers till Fajer time.
The difference between Qiyam and Taraweeh is huge! First: in the intention that you have in your heart when you will pray any of those. Second, Taraweeh is limited to Ramadan only, while Qiyam is for all the days of the year, including Ramadan. That means,in Ramadan, if you Pray first taraweeh, then Qiyam. You can delay Qiyam till suhur, before or after it.
Talking about Dhikr is gonna take more than a comment here. Maybe I will specify an article about this important topic and how can we practice it productively in our daily life in the future in shaALlah! For now, try to memorize couple of short ones in Arabic (those which consist of two o three words) and learn their meanings. Keep in mind that thinking about Allah, His power, His glory, Your relation with Allah, how to improve this relation, your identity transformation to Muslim French Woman.. etc… All of those are considered kinds of Dhikr! Dhikr after all is having Allah subhannah presents in your life, mind and heart.. no matter how!
Finally, Yes! Absolutely you can make Duaa in French! You should use the language that makes you connected with Allah when you ask Him, speak to Him! That makes no sense to recite some Arabic patterns which mean nothing to you! Your Duaa should be an output of your emotioned heart and confused thoughts which are seeking a correct way out in this life. Maybe in the future, when you master your Iman (faith), you can study some Arabic and start making Duaa in Arabic inshaAllah
Fi amani Allah
Ghufran Khir Allah
