Comments on: Moving Away from Home: Coping with Challenges and Staying Productive Meaningful Productivity That Connects This Life With The Hereafter Fri, 26 Jan 2024 07:03:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Aida Sun, 15 Jul 2018 10:57:54 +0000 MashaAllah! It was a pleasure reading your article. I’m sure you inspire and motivate your friends and family on a regular basis. JazakAllah khairan… for everything.

By: RUBINA Sun, 15 Jul 2018 10:57:53 +0000 masha allah, its a wonderful article. i stayed in a hostel for 3 months and the first day of my hostel was ramadan. all ramadan i dint have any proper food to eat for iftar or muslim friends to turn for help. i cried to read the quran. only and only ALLAH was my solace.

By: Yussuf Sun, 15 Jul 2018 10:57:53 +0000 Jazakumullah for your inspiring article. This indeed is the way Islam ought to be practiced. This indeed is the way Islam ought to be preached. Contextual and relevant to the times. Your tips have been very helpful and indeed work towards making us productive Muslims. I liked the bit about “I am human but a Muslim”. Being Muslim means we have certain values we hold dear to and being human means despite the circumstances (conducive or otherwise) our Muslim values will make us behave consistent with those values. In the end we are humans who will stand out because of our Muslim values. May Allah (SWT) increase our understanding of deen and may He make us exemplary models of our deen.

By: Razeen Sun, 15 Jul 2018 10:57:53 +0000 I’m surprised to see a quality blog from the community, that maybe seem cynical but actually impressed well done

By: elvy Sun, 15 Jul 2018 10:57:53 +0000 MasyAllah. I used to think for my loneliness, but sure i must not think that. “Behold in the Remembrance of Allah do hearts find satisfaction.” [Qur’an: Chapter 13, Verse 28]
thanks you dear

By: maher Sun, 15 Jul 2018 10:57:53 +0000 And an advice, a very important one in my opinion:
before moving out, don’t forget the ISTIKHARA prayer!

By: hafsa Sun, 15 Jul 2018 10:57:53 +0000 jazakallah…may Allah bless u reward for such an excellent piece of writing…all this stuff is not only helpful for a new environment but also our day to day changing life and new challenges

By: Aaminah Sun, 15 Jul 2018 10:57:53 +0000 Jazakillah Khair ukhti Faiza. It was a wonderful piece. Thank u so much. May Allah reward u immensely. Aameen

By: >Maryam Atabay-Scholten Sun, 15 Jul 2018 10:57:52 +0000 Thank You so much for your nice article. May Allah bless you for it!!! I wouls like to add an issue you did not notice.
Namely,our İNTENTİON with with we move to an other place, country,or where ever, is off a big importance. When our intention is not clear for the sake of Allah, but in fact for our ego, the move we make, can hit us as a bumarang. There are lot of examples about a ‘dubble agenda’ intention which will not work out fine and even against us.
My family and I moved from Holland to Turkye, 16 years ago. Our intention was to let our 2 children grow in a islamitic surrounding so that they would not split up between the religious (islamic) education at home and the modern secular life in society. We have had a lot of troubles, but we always feld the help of Allah was around us. A lot of the advices in your article was practised by us and for so far we made it and indeed our son and daugther are now balanced youngsters ( 23 and 22 years old) living as muslims, Alhamdullilah!
The choice to move to Turkye, to an islamic country was a good decision,because of our pure and clean intention.
Maryam Atabay-Scholten

By: Raihan Sun, 15 Jul 2018 10:57:52 +0000 Thanks sister for this motivating and focusing post. Just what I need at the moment.
May Allah reward you for your good work.
