Comments on: Striving to Achieve a Productive and Peaceful Relationship with Your Mother-in-Law (Part 1) Meaningful Productivity That Connects This Life With The Hereafter Sun, 15 Jul 2018 11:12:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Umm Muhemmed Sun, 15 Jul 2018 11:12:12 +0000 In reply to bassent fisal.

Assalamu’alykum. In the next article we will touch IA on spiritual dimensions, and how to build the relationship, but would like to raise/reiterate a couple of quick points; they are general points but hopefully they will apply to your myriad challenges including in dressing/judgments:
1) aim for direct communication wherever possible, ie communicate with your mother-in-law directly and your spouse directly and try not to have anyone as intermediary. If there is a sense of any ganging up, try to diffuse the situation, by being humble but honest with each of the parties involved;
2) take the relationship outside, yes, outside, sometimes a change of environment does wonders to change people’s perspectives, and literally give everyone a breath of fresh air;
3) when the going gets really tough, as the Islamic counselor commented above (Afshan Khan), try to imagine being the mother-in-law and how you might feel in this situation;
4) try to maintain a somewhat independent schedule, where ever possible;
5) but also look for areas in which to collaborate (and it need not be the kitchen); again we will touch on some spiritual collaboration in the next article, but it is so important to try to develop the relationship, not simply deal with it;
6) if there is no improvement, then you may need to seek outside help from couselors who may be sympathetic but ultimately focused in helping you work toward sustainable solutions;
7) and finally always be relentless in your prayers/duas on the subject and look to the Seerah for insights. Our deen is intended to help us in every situation IA.

By: afshan khan Sun, 15 Jul 2018 09:25:06 +0000 salaam as a islamic counseller and mediator I deal with many similar problems and the main advice I give how would you like your son and daughter in law to treat you when you reach that life journey.

By: umrah Sun, 15 Jul 2018 09:25:04 +0000 Ma shaa Allah! barakAllahu feeki, it was need of time 4 me.:)

By: Ferdos Sun, 15 Jul 2018 09:25:04 +0000 Jazaki Allah kul khair sister umm Muhemmed…and look forward many parts to come on the subject. How can one keep the peace and respect without allowing too much interference?

By: bassent fisal Sun, 15 Jul 2018 09:25:04 +0000 unfortunately i had the same bad first impression:two ways of thinking , two extreme different situations handling , and my husband is always by his mother’s side , that makes me feel terrible , uncomfortable , & for sure (may Allah forgive me for that ) much more hate to my mother in law … how can we deal with that ? for example ,how can feel comfortable dressing what i want without feeling that there’s someone there will judge me?

By: Ehdina Sun, 15 Jul 2018 09:25:04 +0000 I am very happy you brought up this oh so complicated subject, but in reality can be very simple if we think of the bigger picture———–> Allah.
Thank you and May Allah make you happy in this world and the Hear After.

By: Klaudia Sun, 15 Jul 2018 09:25:04 +0000 MashAllah very useful advice. I have also been raised in a culture of ‘independence’ and dreaded living with the in-laws. Alhamdulillah I have learnt to see the good sides to it, but of course there are still things, situations and differing opinions that bring tension. In my case it is most often the style of bringing up children. I keep reminding myself that no one is doing anything against me and living in a joint family is a great practice of patience. After all the harder the test the more I can learn and benefit from it.

By: Fatima Zohra Mohr-Qsini Sun, 15 Jul 2018 09:25:02 +0000 This is a very good article so far, I wish I had had the chance to read this before my experience with my mother-in-law. She however was very accommodating and was not really the issue, it was more his sisters who also reside in the home. As a north american, this living situation was not something I had ever experienced before and the adjustment was cataclysmic! There were so many nuances I didn’t understand, nor they for me either. Cultural, language etc.. it was not an easy transition. I look forward to the next instalment.

By: nf Sun, 15 Jul 2018 08:48:35 +0000 I wish you would also touch on the topic of personal space. Living together does not need to mean that the daughter in law’s life needs to be dictated by the elders which is often the case in many situations with husband standing by and not able to set up boundaries politely..especially in the indo/pak culture where the boundaries are almost non existent.

Also the wife does have right to her own living space so when her husband houses her in the same space as his parents, some burden to smooth things over does fall on his shoulders.

Also I don’t know if I completely agree with the idea of daughter in law communicating directly with mother in law. I have a really nice mother in law alhamdulillah and on any sticky topics about which we know she has alot of feelings about, my husband and her deal with it. He has asked me to let him take care of issues like that. That way I’m never the bad guy. It makes my mother in law realize he has some strong opinions and that I’m not ‘pulling his strings’ or anything. So me and her are then left to have a more smoother relationship. He tells her good things about me and doesn’t ever relay my frustrations or vice verca. I think this is a point where the couple needs to guage which option is best.

I think the inlaw issue is very much about the son..and also about the basic concept of rights/boundaries. If those are in place, it’s not the toughest thing to get around. but when people have reaaaaly strange expectations and daughter in law is not granted any rights, that’s when I think issues mainly happen.

By: Kourtney Sun, 15 Jul 2018 08:48:34 +0000 It’s a joy to find soeonme who can think like that
