Comments on: Post-Pilgrimage: Maintaining your Hajj High Meaningful Productivity That Connects This Life With The Hereafter Sun, 22 Apr 2018 20:25:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: N Sun, 22 Apr 2018 20:25:57 +0000 In reply to Dunns.

Shaitan has fooled you, you can’t say you love Allah and then disobey Him. You should read His 99 names, ALL of them not just the ones you like.
Jews – had the Law but not the spirit of the Law and earned the wrath of Allah.
Christians – uphold the spirit of the the law but ignore the Law and have gone astray.
Muslims – Submit, in love and obedience. YOU NEED BOTH
Allahu Alim May we be guided on the straight path Ameen.

By: Hooruneen Sheikh Sun, 17 Sep 2017 19:08:17 +0000 MashAllah,this article beautifully articulates my feelings and fears! ( Just did my hajj)
I agree that with sincere dua and remaining in touch with people and places that keep you connected to Allah, the spiritual high can be maintained to a good extent,inshAllah..

By: Yacoob Wed, 28 Sep 2016 05:59:26 +0000 In reply to AbdulHafeez al-aswad.

JazakAllah ghair for that :)

By: Yacoob Wed, 28 Sep 2016 05:58:28 +0000 In reply to Newhaji.

Unfortunately, it’s going to be that way….it was a different world; a different life. True freedom, in a sense – because we’re not chained to all the responsibilities of everyday life, but free to just pursue our real purpose in life directly – in ibadah.

I think emotionally, it will be hard. But just use the emotion to constantly make sincere dua that Allah makes your experience a means of permanent, positive change…and that you can strive to live your Hajj until you meet Him.

I think the pain, and the emotion and nostalgia, will probably fade over the coming weeks and months. You may get a revival at Hajj time next year and each subsequent Hajj period…but it generally fades over the years.

So while it’s all fresh and new, use the momentum to take as much long-term positive as you can. Insha-Allah that will help turn the pain into productivity.

May we all remain truly grateful for the Hajj we performed, and get the opportunities to return again and again.

By: Newhaji Sat, 24 Sep 2016 13:16:38 +0000 In reply to Yacoob.

Jzk khair for this.. I just returned from hajj and am suffering from PhD ( post hajj depression).. everytime I remember it I can’t stop crying… its only been a week but I miss it sooo much… I miss the group and just everything…what can I do to ease the pain?

By: AbdulHafeez al-aswad Sat, 17 Sep 2016 11:34:22 +0000 You’re highly a great motivational. i enjoy your writeup keep it rolling. jazaakumullah kaeran

By: Missing Makkah (pt1): Special Advice for Former Hujjaj This Season – slip-sliding away….. Wed, 07 Sep 2016 11:57:06 +0000 […] are incredible memories each of us who went to Hajj experienced, but a memory alone won’t take us back for Hajj. It’s only Allah’s invitation that will open our path to return. To earn that invitation, we […]

By: Yacoob Fri, 19 Aug 2016 20:43:11 +0000 In reply to rougaya.

JazakAllah for the kind words – though I’m only seeing them a year later so I don’t know if you’ll see this. Anyway, the 40 day thing, I think, is just a popular myth – that a Hajji’s duas are accepted for 40 days after they return. I’ve not seen any authentic evidence to back it up, though I could be wrong.

You’re right that the post-Hajj emotions are not often discussed, and it is a need – hence there used to be a course on this.

I suspect you’re in Cape Town, so this course would be relevant to you. See the review here:

Sh. Riyadh is not around anymore, but they might be running the course again next year with someone else.

By: rougaya Tue, 03 Nov 2015 05:26:17 +0000 Asselaamoe aleikoem
Shu kran for sharing such important information!I am still in my 40 days @wanted someone so to xplain all the special emotions one is xperecing.Also concerned to loose these special feelings!cause thre are so many challenges every day!ALLAH must protect@GUID us AMEEN!Can u kanala xplain what the 40 days are?Shukran-before we go on gadj,we learn about the gadj-the history-everything-but no one xplain how to handle emotions @situations when we return-shukran for understanding-MAY ALLAH reward you in ABUNDENCE IN SHA ALLAH AMEEN!

By: Bello Ibrahim Orankan Fri, 30 Oct 2015 12:04:41 +0000 In reply to Yasmin21.

This is one of the best deeds, i.e reminding others. Human beings are subjected to forgetfulness, so with this write up masha’a Allaah, we now know what is expected of us as Muslims. May Allah SWT barakalize your efforts.
