Comments on: You Are What You Watch Meaningful Productivity That Connects This Life With The Hereafter Mon, 29 Apr 2024 23:17:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Faisal Tue, 01 Aug 2017 13:36:49 +0000 In reply to Kara Regan.

Assalamu Alaikum,

Is it ok to learn productivity and self-development from non-Muslim authors? How can a muslim read “Think & Grow Rich”, “The Success Principles” and implement those principles in his day to day life would it not be imitating non muslims?

By: Diwan Sat, 13 May 2017 07:16:17 +0000 In reply to Rashid.

Assalamu alaykum warahumatuillahi wabarakathuku avoid the thoughts by doing dhirk ,staying in wudhu and by positive thoughts .In the beginning it’s hard but as goes it will go off in SHA ALLAH stay strong and blessed

By: Diwan Sat, 13 May 2017 07:09:30 +0000 In reply to Diwan.

Assalamu alaykum warahumatuillahi wabarakathuku please give tips to wake up for tahajud prayer please

By: Diwan Sat, 13 May 2017 07:01:58 +0000 In reply to Tv Spouse.

Assalamu alaykum warahumatuillahi wabarakathuku keep praying to ALLAH SWT don’t lose your hope keep praying u will find solution in sha Allah. keep your prayer and Dua with full-hearted and keep asking Dua in the best times of Dua to be granted in sha ALLAH . talk to your spouse and show your atmost care to your spouse to come to the reality of the life. in sha ALLAH ur spouse will realise , advice your spouse with the mention of ALLAH SWT name and prophet name so it will be really effective in sha ALLAH. in sha ALLAH keep on doing ALLAH SWT always help to his servants. keep on doing doing doing its easy to say but we have to work hard ask Allah swt blessings to be focussed in your purpose. in sha ALLAH ALLAH SWT create a change in sha ALLAH be patience too don’t lose your hope and too pray for all muslims in world to lead in the straight path Ameen!

By: Rashid Thu, 13 Apr 2017 06:07:59 +0000 Hi it’s Rashid here . Since few days I’ve started to feel that my Imaan has become weak. If was offering Salah regularly but still I’ve been getting very disturbing thoughts in my mind. Can u give me some suggestions??

By: Tv Spouse Sat, 31 Dec 2016 08:59:07 +0000 Alhamdulillah. Nice article. After married I found my spouse had addicted news,sports,talkshow.still I’m suffering. I praying’s unbearable.find no solution .

By: Muslim Tue, 13 Sep 2016 00:52:35 +0000 Internet can be worse than tv. The holy remembrance of Allah is the best therapy and feeling. True enjoyment is the only thing we want.

Qur’an is the best book to read. Believe and say inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi rajioon. Big blessing for Muslims who say that in distress. Thats a big part of what sabr and shukr means. To simply think and say only good words for Allah.

Our mind needs to be in constant dhikrullah. completely freed from (the worst fitnah) idolatry. Islam (the best safety and well being) is all about tauhid. The only truly honored identity or community there is is Muslim.

SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi. SubhanAllah Al Azim. SubhanAllahi wa bihamdihi al Azim. Astaghfirullah wa atubu ilaihi. Allahumma salim wa barik ala nabiyyina Muhammad. La ilaha illa Allah. Always think of Yawm Al Qiyammah. Ataghfirullah. This helps even more than a blessed marriage. Dhikrullahi Akbar.

By: Miss . Mousoom Mon, 25 Jul 2016 12:18:57 +0000 Alhamdillah may Allah bless u. I was watching t v but Alhamdillah Allah (swt) suddenly helped me to come out of it by putting the fear of death . Whenever and wherever with will of Allah we all r going to die . At the time of our death ( which we dont know ) we should be doing good . If not Allah (swt ) should save we will go to hell. Just think even we cannot bear the pain of the wound created by the fire of this world . So can we afford the fire of hell.

By: Fizza Iftikhar Sun, 26 Jun 2016 06:41:13 +0000 Hi!
your artical is very good but i have a question. If i watch a movie that teaches us some kind of lessons not keeping us away from worshipping Allah as there are some movies which make us energetic and like increasing our passion i mean like some kind of fighting movies with old stories. like there are some non fiction movies based on real stories representing stories of a good patriot or a fighter. is it also wrong??

By: Kara Regan Thu, 07 Jan 2016 22:11:18 +0000 In reply to Abdussamad.

Your comment means so much to me, you’ve inspired me to be better.
