Comments on: How can we avoid Riba? Meaningful Productivity That Connects This Life With The Hereafter Fri, 19 Aug 2022 22:03:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: Abdo Fri, 22 Jun 2018 17:35:38 +0000 May Allah be pleased with you,
To be involved in Riba/interest which any predetermined increment on the borrowed amount is considered as usury especially which there is two prices are offered by the seller i.e., the first one paying in cash and the second one when selling the product on installments with a little increment on the prices that is allocated on the period in which both parties agree, however, my question some scholars have said that buying a cell phone or any other similar tools from the market by paying the price of the device on installments with increments on a monthly bases is Okay due to the fact that this is considered as trading issue and not as usury as long as the buyer have not borrowed a cash money and pay the interest to the bank.
I am confused a bit because of different knowledge which comes from different scholars and different website.
Which kinda increments are lawful and which one is unlawful according to Islam that is being given to us from the Massenger Muhamad PBUH.

Thanking you guys in anticipation for any knowledge you share with Islamic attested evidence.

By: Habeeb Ahamed Jamaldeen Sat, 07 Apr 2018 03:02:48 +0000 Dear Brother,
Unfortunately I took money from several people at 10% interest rate. almost 30,000 USD. because I did not have any friends to help me, or relatives did not have heart to help me. every month I have to pay an interest Around 500 – 600 $. although my business have down. if any one can advice me how to come out this situation.

By: Muslima Tue, 11 Jul 2017 07:18:28 +0000 Assalamualaikum.
How can a government employee deal with situations like tax saving etc. I mean we the middle class govt. employees in India have to pay hefty taxes from our salaries if we do not go for tax saving schemes like for example the postal life insurance policies and other insurance policies. Also, what about health insurance. Also, education is privatised and expensive in India , I mean the govt. Schools are not even satisfactory. So, can you suggest how can we do savings for our kids schooling and also higher studies ( which is becoming expensive day by day). Also, does Kashmir ( I am sure most Muslims have some idea of what the people of Kashmir are facing) fall into the daul Harb.

By: Akhi Mon, 15 May 2017 15:39:59 +0000 I am sorry but i dont think interest can be used for charity

By: Hassan Tue, 14 Feb 2017 09:45:17 +0000 Decent article. However, I want to make a few points on your recommendations:

Renting does not work well in the UK. The UK is a hot spot for landlords who are renting away their property at an even increasing price. I personally know landlord who are increasing their rent every year, how are brother and sisters able to afford that?…on average in the UK a family moves to a different property every 16 months due to contract not being renewed, prices going up/other reasons. Constantly moving away is a hassle, costly and also disrupts families; changing Islamic schools, work location/travel etc. – renting is insecure and problematic.

you also mention someone can save. How about the many that cant save (a big amount) or dont have 300k under their mattress?

please done mention ‘Islamic bank’ in the west. We all know either they are a ripp off (only for the wealthy) or no Islamic at all (according to some scholars/sheikhs).

you also state that:

‘isn’t it strange how a Muslim will strictly stay away from eating pork because it is haram, yet the same person has no problem devouring riba (otherwise known as usury or interest)?’

it is much easier to stay away from pork….you have halal food places at every step these days. However, their is no halal mortgage available (some are ripp off, or for the wealthy or not even Islamic in first place). Many end up buying a house to live it to provide shelter to their family, their options are literally non existent.

In no way or form am I trying to justify Riba, as its clearly a major sin. All im trying to state is that its important to understand the context of the community living in the west.

By: Rose Wed, 02 Nov 2016 07:12:58 +0000 I am a Muslim I wish to buy a house without interest I have read about the Islamic mortgages but is it halal

By: Tolulope Sat, 03 Sep 2016 08:29:39 +0000 Salam alayKum..
Have subscribed to the newsletter before, but the mail I got doesn’t contain the link to confirm my email. Right now, av subscribed but haven’t seen any confirmation link from you.. Pls kindly help me look to it.
Jazakallahu khayran for all your gOod post

By: Umm Hassan Mon, 11 Jul 2016 10:13:11 +0000 Can a distinction be made between recieving riba and giving riba, do you think?
As Muslims we are not obliged to recieve riba but due to necessity we may be obliged to give riba (without a doubt it is haram) just as we are obliged to take out insurance on a car, even though it is also haraam.
I pray thàt we can be free ourselves from riba. There should be an organisation set up to help Muslims reduce their debt, offering interest free loans. Infact should not zakat money be used to help this cause?

By: Ahmed Wed, 16 Mar 2016 14:26:36 +0000 Aslm borther and sisters!

In relation to riba I have the following questions. I currently live in Sweden and have a family of two kids and a wife. Currently we live in a rented apartment. However, as the children grow and family may grow too (smile) we see that we need a bigger place. To rent a bigger place is not an issue since the supply for apartments is really low in Sweden. In other words, people stand in queues for at least 5 years and in big cities like Stockholm one should wait at least 10 years to get an apartment to rent.
Given this situation, the only solution for us would be to buy a house or apartment where we would potentially “win the war” with other bidders by putting the highest bid.
Could you please guide me what is the best thing to do in this case so we do things in the proper way as Allah wants? I would greatly appreciate your comments and suggestions.

By: Abdur Razzak Wed, 10 Feb 2016 19:28:20 +0000 In reply to ProductiveMuslim Customer Support.

Please let me know which companies you know provide halal mortgage loans in USA? The companies I checked don’t want to take any responsibility for losses. I think, the halal loan providers should obey the Islamic rules like sharing profits and losses. So far I checked, the halal loan providers don’t want to share any losses. So, are these loans really halal?

Abdur Razzak
