Comments on: Description of Truly ProductiveMuslims in the Quran Meaningful Productivity That Connects This Life With The Hereafter Sun, 15 Jul 2018 11:36:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: srag Sun, 15 Jul 2018 11:36:53 +0000 In reply to Little Auntie.

Assalam alykum, its not a coincidence that u landed here…this is a message for you in a way…

By: Anonymous Sun, 15 Jul 2018 11:36:53 +0000 In reply to Amanullah.

Walaykum Salam,

Jazak Allah Khair. We’ve now fixed it.

By: Aliya Sun, 15 Jul 2018 10:27:55 +0000 Thank you all for your words of wisdom and encouragement! I was considering "leaving" but I just could not bring myself to abandon what I felt in my heart is the truth. This is a test for me, and insha&#39allah, I will be triumphant! I am studying for the detectives exam, and I know with Allah (swt) help, I will be promoted.Salaams,Aliya

By: tahliba Sun, 15 Jul 2018 10:27:55 +0000 Sallamu alaykum sister, I just read your post. I am also from Philadelphia. I took my shahada on Oct. 27, 2010. I work as a Correctional Officer and I am not able to wear the hijab at work. I put it on as soon as I leave and only take it off when I get to work. There are a lot of muslimahs in your position. Ones who have families to care for. Since I am a new muslimah I cannot really give advice, but know that others are going through the same thing. Women have tried to fight for the right but failed. Insha Allah, you will pass the dec test. I am looking to chang jobs as soon as I finish school and insha allah I will find a job where i can wear the hijab. Sallamu alaykum

By: Foglie Sun, 15 Jul 2018 10:27:54 +0000 My dear sister Aliya,May Allah grant you, grant me, and all of us, utmost strength to trust in Him,even under the most difficult situations in this lifeMay Allah love you and bless you and reward your best intentions and efforts!With love,your sister in Islam

By: Danesh Sun, 15 Jul 2018 10:27:53 +0000 Salaam. In my opinion, there are some tasks such as that of a policeman, doctor, firemen etc that are not just worldly acts. These are also linked to faith. When one helps keep the street free of crime or saves lives, they are not just doing a worldly act. When a task involves saving or helping other human beings, it is liked by Allah swt. As for praying Salaah, consider a case when a doctor is performing an operation in a operation theater to save a life, there is permission for him/her to pray the salaah at a later time. Likewise, if the sister is on duty, she can pray the salaah later but at the earliest possible time. Insha Allah, if the intent is there, Allah swt will accept her prayers.Insha Allah, the sister will soon become a detective and be able to pray Salaah on time.Wassalam.

By: Quran Sun, 15 Jul 2018 10:27:53 +0000 There are others so many productive Muslims. The only thing we need is strong believe on ALLAH and worship him.

By: Aliya Sun, 15 Jul 2018 09:39:56 +0000 @ Musliimah, Salaams sister,In the society we live in, not everyone is Muslim. I grew up with a saying that I think is a constant in all faiths/religions, " God helps those who help themselves" This came from my Nana, who was a devout Christian.I was attracted to the pure monotheism of Islam,the beautiful way that worship is performed, and the message that it gives but as of late things that have been said to me are frankly scarring me. My statement "I can’t quit, I need to pay my bills, I have a son to take care of and a daughter I am putting through college …I trust in Him to provide for me, and he does" does not contradict. Allah swt has provided me with a job so I can take care of my family, and the common sense and strength to work through the difficult obstacles. I have faith but I also have common sense. If I were to quit my job, are you going to provide for my family? What do I do to sustain my family? What profession do I choose? Potentially everything in this world is haraam. Even using a credit card, to opening a bank account, living in the West, according to some! The Internet can be haraam! To irresponsibly discard an honorable profession as being a police officer, one that protects the rights and freedoms of all people regardless of faith or lack there of, would be a disservice. If it were not for people like me, people like you would not be able walk the streets safely, or voice an opinion about things such as this on this wonderful forum. The laws of society, do have a place with the laws of Allah swt. They do not contradict, in fact, they complement each other. To your analogy," The police force does not enjoin the good and forbid the evil. Rather, they protect the freedoms of people. If a father forcefully brings back his daughter who has decided to run away with a man, who would the police force arrest? Arrest the daughter for disobeying Allah, or the father for bringing back his daughter and taking away her freedom? Does an officer thus act contrary to what Allah swt says?" Whats wrong with that? I didn’t know Allah swt condoned kidnapping! We are not going to argue whether the laws of Allah swt contradict societies laws. It is against the law to abduct someone for what you stated, and yes I would arrest the father. Allah alone is the judge, she will have to answer for that. The police does enforce the good, It is against the law to rob, steal, rape, murder,abduct or attempt to, attempt to murder, attempt to rape, rob or steal, and infringe the freedoms or rights of the people. In the Us constitution, it says that we have the right to freedom of religion, as long as it doesn’t infringe on the rights of others.I help to protect along with My Creator, the rights of the people who otherwise would not have a voice. Allah swt may not need my help, but I am glad to offer it nonetheless. When I respond to a radio call where a muslimah has been beaten half to death by her husband, and I offer salaams, a smile, and a kind word, I know what I do to sustain my family has meaning. I may not agree with everything my government does or says, or for that matter what my employer does or says, but I have the freedom to say something about it, and try to do something about it. I do not live in an ideal society, no one does, none of us lives in a bubble separate from the world, if I wanted to live like that, I would have become a monk, or a nun. Salaams

By: Aliya Sun, 15 Jul 2018 09:39:55 +0000 Thank you for your reply. I can’t quit, I need to pay my bills, and I have a son to raise and a daughter I’m putting through college. One officer here did take it to court and lost. It’s all over the web, her name is Kimberly Webb , you can google it. Very interesting read. The department I work for said it was a hazard. I have an English translation Quran, the one by Yusef Ali, on my iphone I read while on down time at work, it has a wonderful reciter feature to it. I have the same translation at home I try to read regularly when I am home. I go to a masjid near my home and have already talked to them and they do help me. The sisters and brothers there are wonderful people! Everything I do is for the sake of Allah, especially at work, my job is extremely dangerous. An officer just got shot here not to long ago. In my department, 9 officers have gotten shot at or killed in the line of duty in the past 18 months. I trust in Him to provide for me, and he does. Salaams

By: alia Sun, 15 Jul 2018 09:12:31 +0000 Mashallah! wonderful article. jazak Allah kheir for saying the situation so bluntly and for offering solutions to this issue. Inshallah we can all be productive Muslim monks!
Barak Allahu feek.
