Comments on: ProductiveMuslim Timeout! Meaningful Productivity That Connects This Life With The Hereafter Sun, 15 Jul 2018 09:58:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ayaah Sun, 15 Jul 2018 09:58:06 +0000 In reply to Anonymouse.

Then have a short while set out for reflection and solitude, each day, for example at tahajjut time and near the end of the day before you sleep, so you’re at peace, and focused, throughout your day and can go to sleep well prepared for the next day bi ithnillah.

 Solitude… in salaah, for even if you’re praying in congregation, you’re truly alone with Allah (S.w.t) as this salaah is done solely for Him (s.w.t), so focus on Him, especially in sujood, to take time out from your day, 5 times a day and in the last 3rd portion of the night, just to be ‘alone’ with your Creator.

Also, have time spent alone with the Qur’aan, every day, to reconnect to the Words of Allah (s.w.t), reflect upon them, and impleement them, and find comfort within them and motivation, i.e. in the Seerah or the lives of the early generations of Muslims, and try to emulate their way of life.

At the end of the day have some time to account yourself for what you’ve done, good or bad, what could be improved upon, what secret deed you’ve done that’s just between you and Allah; as it has been said, to ‘take oneself into account before they are taken to account’ i.e. on the Day of Judgement.

Solitude in that manner brings peace, helps organise one’s life, but don’t have an attitude of ‘cutting yourself off’ from the world, since that suggests you have a reason for wanting to get away from everything, such as problems you don’t want to deal with, or else you don’t like the people or environment surrounding you because they take you away from Allah (s.w.t), so find righteous companions to spend time with that will increase your love for Allah. Know that we also have a duty to take care of our family, communtiy, enjoin the good and forbid the veil, keep ties with kinship ect, and not live like hermits, but play an integral role in society like the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w), who is the best of examples sent down to us.

It might be easier, but not neccessarily better. Have some time alone rectfying yourself, impriving oyurself ect, and then sometime outside eg in dawah, charity work, helping out in the community, taking care of your family, earning a halal living ect, so that you beenfit those around you as well bi ithnillah.

Figure out why its ‘easier to cut yourself off from the world’. What is it that makes you not want to go out, and what makes you want to stay in? IF oyu want time out, take it in shaban/ramadan, when you can completely focus on improving yourself, but also know that what oyu learn has a right upon you, and as the Prophet (S.a.w) said, the best of you are htose that learn the Qur’aan and then teach it to others (paraphrasing the hadith), so we also need to share what we learn so others can also benefit bi ithnillah. Is it to do with oyurself, i..e lack of self confidence, or fear of the outsdie world negativey affecting you? See what you can do to change that bi ithnillah. HOpe htis makes this bi ithnillah and helped, by the mercy of Allah (s.w.t).

These are just my own ideas, so if anyone else has a better answer, please share it, jazakaAllah khairan. Wa alaikum asalaam warahmatulaahi wabarakaatuhu.

By: Ayaah Sun, 15 Jul 2018 09:58:06 +0000 In reply to Anonymouse.

Then have a short while set out for reflection and solitude, each day, for example at tahajjut time and near the end of the day before you sleep, so you’re at peace, and focused, throughout your day and can go to sleep well prepared for the next day bi ithnillah.

 Solitude… in salaah, for even if you’re praying in congregation, you’re truly alone with Allah (S.w.t) as this salaah is done solely for Him (s.w.t), so focus on Him, especially in sujood, to take time out from your day, 5 times a day and in the last 3rd portion of the night, just to be ‘alone’ with your Creator.

Also, have time spent alone with the Qur’aan, every day, to reconnect to the Words of Allah (s.w.t), reflect upon them, and impleement them, and find comfort within them and motivation, i.e. in the Seerah or the lives of the early generations of Muslims, and try to emulate their way of life.

At the end of the day have some time to account yourself for what you’ve done, good or bad, what could be improved upon, what secret deed you’ve done that’s just between you and Allah; as it has been said, to ‘take oneself into account before they are taken to account’ i.e. on the Day of Judgement.

Solitude in that manner brings peace, helps organise one’s life, but don’t have an attitude of ‘cutting yourself off’ from the world, since that suggests you have a reason for wanting to get away from everything, such as problems you don’t want to deal with, or else you don’t like the people or environment surrounding you because they take you away from Allah (s.w.t), so find righteous companions to spend time with that will increase your love for Allah. Know that we also have a duty to take care of our family, communtiy, enjoin the good and forbid the veil, keep ties with kinship ect, and not live like hermits, but play an integral role in society like the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w), who is the best of examples sent down to us.

It might be easier, but not neccessarily better. Have some time alone rectfying yourself, impriving oyurself ect, and then sometime outside eg in dawah, charity work, helping out in the community, taking care of your family, earning a halal living ect, so that you beenfit those around you as well bi ithnillah.

Figure out why its ‘easier to cut yourself off from the world’. What is it that makes you not want to go out, and what makes you want to stay in? IF oyu want time out, take it in shaban/ramadan, when you can completely focus on improving yourself, but also know that what oyu learn has a right upon you, and as the Prophet (S.a.w) said, the best of you are htose that learn the Qur’aan and then teach it to others (paraphrasing the hadith), so we also need to share what we learn so others can also benefit bi ithnillah. Is it to do with oyurself, i..e lack of self confidence, or fear of the outsdie world negativey affecting you? See what you can do to change that bi ithnillah. HOpe htis makes this bi ithnillah and helped, by the mercy of Allah (s.w.t).

These are just my own ideas, so if anyone else has a better answer, please share it, jazakaAllah khairan. Wa alaikum asalaam warahmatulaahi wabarakaatuhu.

By: Amina Sun, 15 Jul 2018 09:05:03 +0000 Maashaallah this post is really good.. Something NEW that I have learnt today. Inshaallah will take a Time out. Jazakallaahu khair for the post.

By: Rashid Abdi Sun, 15 Jul 2018 09:05:02 +0000 Salam Akhi this was a very interesting Artivle I can relate because ever so often I get thrown off my course or I’m off my ‘A Game’ that is to say i find my self spending more of my time doing actives that ultimately have no benefit in them in this world and the next, constantly late for Jumah in the masjid and so on and so on. I have learnt the best way to overcome this is to push myself to make more Dikr praying Sunnah prayers at home reading quran just before I get to bed and other such activies then do the Wordly action something important but not urgent then I get on to the solely urgent tasks. Hope that helps – I typed it up on my mobile whilst on my way to work

By: Anonymouse Sun, 15 Jul 2018 08:39:23 +0000 In reply to Ummati2004.

what if you get stuck in this solitude mode, and find it easier to ‘cut yourself off’ from the the world?

By: Al_amin3001 Mon, 07 May 2012 11:00:00 +0000 Allahu Akbar, thank U vary much brother right now I have traveled,and I will use this time in sha Allah

By: Bibidaly Mon, 07 May 2012 10:04:00 +0000 I find the time out so beneficial.I’ve had issues circling in my brain and it getrs bigger and bigger.I feel absolutely renewed and positive that i would recommended it to all my friends in similar position to try it,thank you thank you.

By: Junaidah Sallehudin Sun, 06 May 2012 04:08:00 +0000 I really don’t have time out for this moment coz…my life always with my college,customers,students ..during office hours and with kids at home…no free time to be alone with ALLAH…only at midnight while others sleeping….it lucky if I can wake up for tahajjud if not, I feel disappointed for whole day….Now I try to make myself comfortable to perform tahajjud.

By: Hinanomani Sat, 05 May 2012 09:29:00 +0000 Asalam-u-alaikum Thank you for your tips. I just want to spend some  time with special kids n give them my day , do something for them and make them happy. Their smiles lightened my day because they are angels on earth. God bless them :) it will be a lovely timeout for me.

By: Munirullah Sat, 05 May 2012 09:04:00 +0000 The best time which I have experienced for “timeout” is after going to bed and before going to sleep, because that time is the best time to think about our deeds with the peace of mind.
