From the opening article of this series, we know that a sound spiritual heart actually gives physical strength too. It is harder for depression, stress or anxiety to take over a sound heart. People with a sound heart can be physically stronger because they are happier and more driven to serve Allah , which gives
Read article[Inside The Therapist’s Office 2 – Ep 2] Feel The Light
(Disclaimer: This article might not be suitable for readers under 16 as it includes some graphic descriptions.) “People on the street are scared of me,” Ali said, “I don’t blame them. I’m scared of me too.” “Is that why you’ve been refusing to see me? Did you think I’d be scared of you?” I
Read articleMending a Broken Heart: Overcoming a Divorce
Divorce… The daunting and awkward topic that no one seems to want to discuss in public because of the stigma attached to it. Yes, divorces can be messy due to a number of factors; and when children are involved, it’s twice as complicated. You feel a whole array of mixed emotions that are difficult to internalize
Read articleAsk Abu Productive: Q&A with Mohammed Faris and Mifrah Mahroof
Joining us for the last episode of season 1, is Abu Productive, along with Mifrah Mahroof, for an interactive Q&A session. Abu Productive answers some questions from the audience regarding: Productively achieving goals Discovering your skills Maximizing concentration and focus Low self-esteem And a lot more… Questions asked: Is there a simple approach to fulfill
Read article[Inside The Therapist’s Office 2 – Ep 1] Feel The Love
Where on Earth would she get a gun in solitary? I wondered silently, my heart pounding so loud, evidently distracting my brain from coming up with a plan. “Please, don’t!” I pleaded. “Trust me, there are other options!” “I wish that were true” She whispered sadly, pointing the gun to her head.
Read articleHow to Have a Heart Connected to Allah [swt]
To be honest with you, it’s a small miracle to me that I am writing this article right now – my first article for Productive Muslim in three years. In this time, I was drifting away from my religion further and further and could feel my heart hardening until it felt like it had literally
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