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Should I be concerned about fisetin’s bioavailability?

Most polyphenols—fisetin included—are relatively poorly absorbed through the gut barrier. But science has been showing more and more that they can also act locally inside the gut and may exert effects through the gut-brain axis as well. So bioavailability is only part of the potential efficacy equation. Because of this, our science team puts much more weight on scientific studies evaluating body & brain responses over bioavailability. And, big picture, despite evidence suggesting poor bioavailability there are a lot of studies suggesting beneficial support for the brain & body even from poorly absorbed polyphenols. Even with quercetin, most of the senolytic studies to date have been with standard quercetin. We opted for Quercefit® because it was what was used in a human senolytic study, is being investigated in other human senolytic studies, and has been used in human clinical studies in other health areas (so has demonstrated brain & body support benefits)—so Quercefit® has much science behind it in addition to the evidence for its bioavailability.*

The data on the bioavailability of fisetin is a main reason that the Mayo Clinic chose to use a high dose of fisetin in their senolytic studies, and why we are recommending the 1400 mg/day dose of fisetin (which for a person of average weight matches the Mayo dose). In published animal studies of fisetin, oral fisetin in this human-equivalent dose range has supported the management of senescence cells, which is the main outcome we care about (not bioavailability). We think the recommended dose included in Qualia Senolytic is sufficient taking into account the data on fisetin’s low bioavailability, but we would not be as confident that the doses we've seen in other supplements claiming a senescent cell benefit (often 100 mg and sometimes a bit more) would provide the intended support.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

More Frequently Asked Questions

What should I expect when I take Qualia Senolytic?
What does this mean? Soy isoflavones are phytoestrogens?

The Soybean Seed Extract used in Qualia Senolytic contains soy isoflavones. Soy isoflavones are a type of bioflavonoid, which is often described as being a phytoestrogen. “Phyto” means plant, so phytoestrogens are plant-based compounds that mimic some estrogen functions in the body.

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Do soy isoflavones impact testosterone in men?

Soy foods and soy isoflavones have been studied a number of times and have not been found to impact testosterone in men.* As is the case with most compounds found in the diet, it can be useful to think in terms of amount rather than good or bad. The amount of soy isoflavones in a 2-day dose of Qualia Senolytic would be similar to the amount consumed over about 1 week in a diet where fermented soy products are consumed consistently, like the Japanese diet, which has a reputation of being one of the world’s healthiest cuisines.

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Does Qualia Senolytic support autophagy?

Does Qualia Senolytic support autophagy?

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Is it okay if I have my child or teenager take Qualia Senolytic?

Qualia Senolytic should NOT be taken by children or teenagers.

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How should I get started with Qualia Senolytic?

While there are no special instructions for getting started, a good way to introduce anything new is to start small and increase over time.

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Is Qualia Senolytic vegan, gluten-free and non-GMO?

Yes. Qualia Senolytic is vegan, gluten-free and non-GMO.

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Do I have to take the full dose of Qualia Senolytic spread out over two days?
What is Qualia Senolytic? How Does It Work?

Qualia Senolytic contains a combination of nine vegan ingredients and was formulated to be taken on two consecutive days once a month. It was created to support healthy aging in an area called “cellular senescence.”* But what is that?

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What makes Qualia Life different from Qualia Senolytic? Should I take both?

Qualia Life was formulated to support cells in making energy and keeping healthy cells healthy through the aging process. It's something designed to be taken on most days of the month. Qualia Senolytic was formulated to support pruning away of unhealthy cells as we age. It's something designed to be taken two days a month. We consider them to be perfect complements, with Qualia Senolytic being taken on a couple of the monthly off days from Qualia Life.*

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