Looking for something? We are here to help.

What is our refund policy?

Our refund policy is very simple.

Feel 100% Satisfied within 100 days or get a 100% refund.

There is no hassle. 

If you do not absolutely LOVE our products for ANY reason,
simply get in touch via phone, email, tweet, whatever and let us know you’d like a refund. 

That’s it.

You do not have to return anything to us.  The product is yours to keep.

100 Day Money Back Return Policy applies as a full refund within 100 days for all first time purchasers of an initial order (1 unit) of product, or the final order (1 unit) of a subscription.

It does not apply to an individual's additional product orders placed.  

Limit one (1) guarantee per product, per household.

Contact us if you have any questions. 

Of Note: Orders placed via Amazon must be refunded via Amazon. To do so, submit a 'Request a Refund' ticket via Amazon, who will be happy to facilitate that for you.

More Frequently Asked Questions

How To Apply a Coupon

After you press the Buy Now button for the Subscription or Single Purchase option on the Neurohacker Shop page you will find the ability to add a discount code on the right side of the screen under Have a discount code? 

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What forms of payment do you accept?

We accept credit cards*, AmazonPay and Paypal.

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Can I cancel my order?

If your order has already shipped, we're unable to cancel said order since it's already en route. If you notify [email protected] while your order is processing, we'd be happy to cancel it for you. 

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