Now I must admit I can’t help but wonder what was the first thing that came to your mind when you read this title. Maybe you heard the notoriously shocking ‘Dan Dan Daaaaaaa’ sound in your head and freaked out a little bit because the title reminded you of that popular series of horror movies.
Read articleHow to be a Productive Mediator
How often do you find yourself in the middle of an argument, trying to reconcile the two sides and keep the peace? A couple could be going through a sour divorce or there could be family problems but how do you deal with it? Do you need the help of a family attorney? How do
Read articleWhat I Learned From Interviewing 19 Muslim Experts About Islam and Personal Development
Over the last 3 months, I went on a journey of trying to find answers to the question: “What is the Link between Islam and Personal Development?” I wanted answers that went beyond responses we normally get, e.g. “Islam is a complete way of life”…”Follow the Qur’an and Sunnah and all will be fine”.
Read articleAnnouncing: The First Ever ProductiveMuslim® Summit, December 2016
How would you approach Personal Development in Islam? What’s the first thing you would do if you realized that you were deficient in some area of personal development? For example, what would you do if you realized you need to be a better parent, or a better spouse, or a better manager, or a better
Read article[Raising a Firm Believer – Part 1]: Confidence, Responsibility and Optimism
Is my child going to be a good Muslim? Will she put the hijab on when she grows up? Can I trust him with a cell phone at the age of ten? Am I doing my job as a parent? Should I go back home? What if… How will I… What’s the best way to…?
Read article[How To Be A Productive Introvert]: Part 2 – In The Workplace
In my last article, I introduced the concept of being an introvert, and discussed their habits encouraged and discouraged in Islam. In this article, I’ll be sharing my advice on how introverts can make the most of their personality within the workplace. Susan Cain, a well-known author on the subject of introversion said: “Introverts are
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