I cannot even start describing this legendary personality who lived in our Ummah for the past half century and gave so much for the Ummah’s service. I’m extremely saddened that we lost him last month after many months of struggling with his disease. If you don’t know him, I won’t be surprised, since he wasn’t
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[Da’wah Series] 8 Benefits to be Achieved from Da’wah
When the word da’wah is mentioned, we are generally talking about enjoining the good (Al-Ma’roof: Islamic monotheism and all that Islam orders one to do) and forbidding the evil (Al-Munkar: Polytheism, disbelief and all that Islam has forbidden) to Muslims as well as non-Muslims. Now this da’wah can take a variety of forms including directly
Read article6 Productive Tips to Tame Your Child’s Foul Mouth
What!? You shift around to glance at your 6-year-old. You give him a heavy stare and then ask again, “What did you say?” He repeats the word again with the casualness of a morning greeting. Your 6-year-old just blurted a word of profanity! How do you handle this delicate situation? Well, there are several things
Read article9 Practical Tips to Rebuild Our Ties of Kinship This Ramadan
Never has a religion emphasized the importance of maintaining the ties of kinship and building strong bonds with one’s relatives/family than the religion of Islam. With verses revealed on this topic, and many ahadith narrated about this virtue, it is ironic to see Muslims today far from this practice and not upholding their ties of
Read articleSaving the Best for the Last: Motivation for the Last Stretch of Ramadan
Before the beginning of Ramadan, my children made Ramadan cards for friends and family. I asked them to make their best card yet for ‘the most special person. They eagerly asked ‘who’ that person was, and I told them the most special person is “yourself”! They had to write a ‘letter’ to themselves with three
Read articleProductive Parenting in Ramadan
Ramadan is the ideal time for extensive spiritual development and training. Allah has designated this sacred month for us to build up our level of focus and worship, as well as apply the teachings of our Prophet Mohammad . In addition to training our own souls and purifying ourselves from sins, Ramadan is the best
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