When getting to higher education, one’s life changes, and at the beginning of each year, we tend to feel rather lost and not exactly sure of what to handle first. It doesn’t matter which year of university you are in – with fresh starts, there are always opportunities to shake things up. Since university isn’t
Read articleSearch Results for: prophet
[Productive Hobbies] Archery: A Sunnah Sport Full of Secrets
Wondering how to do ibadah (worship) while playing a sport? A few years ago a friend and I followed our beloved Prophet’s advice and started archery. The Prophet once passed by some people of the tribe of Bani Aslam who were practicing archery. The Prophet said: “O Bani Isma`il ! Practice archery as your father Isma`il was a
Read articleSeven Golden Etiquettes for Seekers of Knowledge
It was related by Anas bin Malik that the Prophet said: “Seeking knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim.” [Sunan Ibn Mâjah] However, as with all things in our Deen, there are proper ways of going about doing things. We have a certain way of taking wudhu, making salaah, tasbeeh, zikr, fasting and hajj. Here we give you 7 etiquettes for knowledge seekers in sha Allah:
Read article6 Outcomes of Acquiring Knowledge about Islam
Alhamdulillah, today, we as Muslims have it easy when it comes to acquiring knowledge about Islam. There are many different methods of increasing our knowledge as we have the glorious Quran, a range of books available that have been simplified to become an ‘easy read’, dynamic speakers who are specialists in different languages and fields
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Sometimes, even when we’ve got our goals listed down and we seem pretty sure of what needs to be done next, there may be some pauses greeting us along the way. Maybe we haven’t felt better since catching that flu bug two weeks ago. Maybe we came back home to find it being broken into.
Read articleProductive Students: Guide to a Productive ISOC/MSA Meeting
Building upon a previous article on the elements of a successful ISOC, this post will inshaAllah help you to become more productive students during the ISOC/MSA (Islamic Society/Muslim Students Association) meeting process, and lead to success for the ISOC/MSA as a whole. You might think that a meeting can be a last-minute event and still be
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