Part one of ‘Does Fasting Kill Your Productivity?’ highlighted the difference between the mere abstinence from eating and an authentic Islamicfast. We also argued that the latter, far from causing us to underachieve, was instead the best approach to defeat ‘Productivity Drainers’. This article will go on to illustrate how fasting can reveal itself as
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Ayah #9 – Be a local hero!
15 AYAAT. 15 PRODUCTIVITY POINTERS. “Help one another in acts of piety and righteousness” [5:2]. Be a Local Hero! His salaam can be heard everywhere he goes; he organises fundraisers and circles in his area, has this art of bringing people together, always seems to have personal attention for you; he is always texting beautiful
Read article[Ramadan Series] 7 Spiritual Productivity Habits to Develop this Ramadan
1) Praying the sunnah prayers before and/or after prayer I know it’s easier to just pray the obligatory prayers and rush out of the mosque, however, when we realise the rewards we’re missing from not praying these Sunnah prayers, we won’t leave them. Over the years I learned there’s only ONE way of getting yourself
Read article[Ramadan Series] 18 Tips to Enjoy Taraweeh/Tahajjud!
One of the best experiences of Ramadan is the beauty of the night prayer, standing in Taraweeh/Tahajjud. Yet many people don’t feel the effect of night prayer upon their hearts, and instead complain of aching feet and back pains! Here are some practical tips that would help you enjoy this experience each night inshaAllah. 1.
Read article[Ramadan Series] What to Pack for I’tikaaf?
So you’ve heard the great virtues of i’tikaaf and made a decision that you want to try it out this year. Now comes the big question: what should you take with you on i’tikaaf, and what should you leave behind?? The basic answer is take as little as you need and try to live the
Read article[Ramadan Series] The Last Sprint – Ways to Keep Yourself Motivated
The race for good deeds starts with huge momentum at the beginning of Ramadan, but somewhere down the race some of us slow down. With only few days left till end of Ramadan, we need to make that one last sprint in order to finish strong and be among the winners! Nothing is more disappointing than an
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