The Productive Muslim has compiled for you our best videos, articles, and worksheets to help you be the best version of yourself during Ramadan. We recommend that you start with our free Productive Ramadan Online Course (which will only take few days to complete) and once you’re done, come back to this page and enjoy
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Barakah-Based Fitness vs. Superficial Fitness: 8 Mindful Ways to Change Your Fitness Perspective
On the surface, the mainstream fitness industry, by and large, promotes a superficial, sensual picture of success. We see images of chiseled abs, bikini bodies and proud smiles framing flexed muscles in gym selfies and advertisements. We are told that this brand of fitness will make us happier, more productive and improve our quality of
Read article3 Things You Can Do for Healthier Work/Personal Relationships
As a Holistic Health & Lifestyle Coach, I work with individuals to help them reach their goals and overcome blocks and obstacles in their way. Want to know a huge and very common obstacle that gets in the way of productivity? Unhealthy relationships! It doesn’t matter how good you are with your planner, time management,
Read articleHow to Practically Set Personal Work Standards
Having recently completed the Productive Muslim masterclass I thought to myself: I have received many tools to improve my life – but how will I determine when to apply what I have learned? The young engineer in me wanted to fix “everything”, apply all I learned to overhaul my mornings, evenings, and daily schedules. Then,
Read articleAre You Good Enough? How Musa (AS) Tackled Self-Doubt
Do you experience self-doubt? Do you feel like an imposter at work? at home? In the big goals that you want to achieve in life? You’re not alone. I used to think confidence was a genetic trait imprinted on those destined to greatness. It was only after studying the lives of the accomplished- like prophets,
Read articleBarakah Culture vs. Hustle Culture: How to Win More Days Without Losing Your Soul
Over the last few years, a new breed of motivational/self-help experts appeared on YouTube and wrote books on what many are now calling “Hustle Culture.” The ideas expressed by those operating within this community emphasize that to be successful you should always be working hard, getting the “impossible” done, and cutting sleep to start the
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