Simon M. reviewed Qualia Mind

27 days ago

Must have product for those days you need a boost

This product is great to have in your arsenal for the days you need a little some extra to get you across the line, whether it’s a tight deadline or a mountain or work to get through - this product will help

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Andrew W. September 4, 2020

1st product is working well so I've decided to try a few more.

1st product is working well so I've decided to try a few more.

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Jared C. November 10, 2021

Really Cool product

Did some research on neurtropics and this came up as the top one. Hasn't dissapointed yet. Still feel the same energy and focus after multiple weeks. A bit expensive, but if budget permits, worth a shot

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Meredith K. October 13, 2022

Good Product, a little expensive

Product is great. Does an excellent job for all day focus. Highly recommend. Just a little too expensive for my taste.

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Reid Y. June 3, 2021


One of the more subtle claims of this product is that it completes the “trifecta” of healthy habits. I.e. regular sleep, healthy diet, and supplements. With out the first two habits, the use of Qualia will reach its highest potential. For this reason, I think it safe to assume that by making the ...

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