Collective Insights Blog

Akkermansia For Gut Health

Akkermansia For Gut Health

Akkermansia is a next generation probiotic and turning heads for its studied support of human health, the gut microbiota, and metabolism. Learn more about this powerful keystone species.

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Why Your Body's Microbes Hold the Key to Your Health and Happiness - An Interview With Alanna Collen

Why Your Body's Microbes Hold the Key to Your Health and Happiness - An Interview With Alanna Collen

Discover how our bodies are teeming with trillions of microbes that play a pivotal role in shaping our health, immunity, mental health, and even weight regulation.

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How Dysbiosis, Toxicity, and Underlying Infection Affect Brain Function and Chronic Illness - An Interview With Dr. Nafysa Parpia

How Dysbiosis, Toxicity, and Underlying Infection Affect Brain Function and Chronic Illness - An Interview With Dr. Nafysa Parpia

What follows is a transcript for a Collective Insights encore episode where Daniel Schmactenberger and Dr. Nafysa Parpia explored how gut dysbiosis, toxicity, and underlying infection affect brain function and chronic illness.

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The Fascinating Power of the Gut-Brain Axis to Influence Health and Mood - An Interview With The Neurohacker Science Team

The Fascinating Power of the Gut-Brain Axis to Influence Health and Mood - An Interview With The Neurohacker Science Team

What follows is a transcript where we explored the fascinating power of the gut-brain axis and its influence on our health and mood.

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The Formulator's View of the Qualia Synbiotic Ingredients

The Formulator's View of the Qualia Synbiotic Ingredients

Learn about the ingredients in our all-in-one gut performance support, Qualia Synbiotic.

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Brain Energy: Why We Need to Rethink Popular Views of Mental Disorders - An Interview With Dr. Chris Palmer

Brain Energy: Why We Need to Rethink Popular Views of Mental Disorders - An Interview With Dr. Chris Palmer

What follows is a transcript from our discussion with Dr. Chris Palmer on the neuroscience linking mental disorders to a metabolic disorder of the brain, shedding new light on how our brains function and the potential for innovative, whole systems treatments for mental disorders.

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How Psychobiotics Support the Gut-Brain Connection

How Psychobiotics Support the Gut-Brain Connection

Psychobiotics are probiotics and prebiotics for the brain. But can psychobiotics really influence cognition, stress responses, mood, and emotional regulation? Read to learn more. 

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How to Help Your Gut Microbiome Thrive - A Q&A with Zach Bush, MD of ION*

How to Help Your Gut Microbiome Thrive - A Q&A with Zach Bush, MD of ION*

Expert approved ways to balance your gut microbiome health to benefit overall health and cognitive function.

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 How Our Second Brain Affects Mood, Immune Function, and Cognition: A Q&A With Naveen Jain

How Our Second Brain Affects Mood, Immune Function, and Cognition: A Q&A With Naveen Jain

New areas of neuroscience are looking from the bottom-up, focusing on how the gut impacts the brain. These findings and more have earned our gut microbiome the nickname “the second brain.”

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What is The Gut-Brain Axis? An Exploration of The Communication Pathways Between The Brain, The Gut, And The Microbiota

What is The Gut-Brain Axis? An Exploration of The Communication Pathways Between The Brain, The Gut, And The Microbiota

The gut and brain are constantly communicating and influencing each other. This interaction is called the gut-brain axis. It means that what goes on in the gut can affect how the brain performs, influencing how we think, feel and behave. In this article, we explore the gut-brain connection and how the brain and the gut, our second brain, influence each other.

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5 Science-Backed Ways To Hack Your Health

5 Science-Backed Ways To Hack Your Health

Join us as we explore interval workouts for longevity, how aromatherapy impacts food cravings, the link between mitochondrial fitness and mental health, and why your brain is begging for a little downtime in this edition of Neurohacking Advancements. 

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French Red Grapes Extract: Sources and Benefits

French Red Grapes Extract: Sources and Benefits

BioVin® is a premium quality grape extract made from the juice, seeds, and skins of red grapes grown in France. It's rich in both trans-resveratrol and grape polyphenols.

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